Alien Communication Intercept: Local Team To Interstellar Scoutship Oumuamua (A sci-fi poem)
Alien Communication Intercept: Local Team To Interstellar Scoutship Oumuamua (A sci-fi poem)

Tuesday • April 11th 2023 • 10:36:12 pm

Alien Communication Intercept: Local Team To Interstellar Scoutship Oumuamua (A sci-fi poem)

Tuesday • April 11th 2023 • 10:36:12 pm

Our survey discovered a lasting susceptibility to indoctrination, and while they largely exited their initial religious belief systems…

They are suffering a greater misunderstanding, as they are propagating the idea that “poverty is a thing that happens”.

The entire civilization is held back by misuse and misunderstand, of the simple idea of credit and finance.

It has collapsed education, as no teacher can be bothered to teach, when their job is about putting food on their table and not, effective education.

So while misapplying the same financial systems to largely artificial banks, and somehow treating human beings just the same, is the root cause.

The blind propagation of falsehoods is the conductor, and without effective education, they will be stuck in a poverty spiral.

Due to the stress of poverty, they’ve rejected philosophers, but tolerate leaders…

Despite the fact that they do not actually lead them forward, but instead hold them back, due to their mis-education and misunderstanding.

After a prolonged period of liars gaining positions of powers, all the positions have been largely neutered and are symbolic only.

As a result, pollution, human led climate change, deforestation, loss of species, and corruption and an ongoing problem.

They have increased immigration, but failed to recognize, that people need to be slowly upgraded to more model culture.

This particular mistake is causing the reverse of the unity that what was intended, as the new comers have difficulty adapting, and host nations are growing increasingly scared.

We encourage focusing on the root cause, although it directly intertwines with effective education.

So they need both, erasing of poverty, and raising levels of authentic and effective education.

The first step is to lift all humans above the level of poverty, they need to upgrade their banking system.

They need to invent a bank for humans only, that grants them a daily allowance indexed to a dignified height above the poverty level relative to the local economy.

To keep it out of uneducated political hands the bank should not keep track of debt in any way, but simply reset the allowance at midnight, spent or not.

In effect ending poverty overnight, building effective education is close second...

Grades must me taken out of teachers hands, and school must guide the students to study what it relevant to them, in the sequence that calls to them, and a pace that matches their thinking.

Humanity is beautiful, but it has stopped, and it needs to resume its advancement forward, to avoid making the same old mistakes.

It must understand that to grow up, means to grow all the way up, and become a civilization of great beings.

End of report.