Speed Thy Slowly; Or, The Calm, Life Long, Easy, Peasy, Workout
Speed Thy Slowly; Or, The Calm, Life Long, Easy, Peasy, Workout

Thursday • May 18th 2023 • 11:15:51 pm

Speed Thy Slowly; Or, The Calm, Life Long, Easy, Peasy, Workout

Thursday • May 18th 2023 • 11:15:51 pm

It is hard to begin working out, by just going to the gym, and waiting for it to happen.

The workouts starts with changes at home, interestingly enough…

The more you want to be fit, the more interesting the changes.

At the very least, we have to get rid of the TV, and the toaster.

For many, it is a good idea to get rid of, the microwave, the oven, and the refrigerator.

And some individuals that need help, will need to get rid of their job.

It is different for every one, but it is about ending the comforts.

With comfort, comes the overeating cycle.

With comfort, you don’t have the energy to fight.

You may ask yourself, what the hell am I going to eat.

What am I going to do before sleep, how am I even going to fall asleep.

The true answers are, you already ate, you ate ahead of time.

The thing you are going to do, before going to sleep.

Learn how to walk, faster and faster, until that walking becomes shuffling.

Get an interval timer, and learn to rest less and shuffle more.

Until your shuffling becomes, jogging.

And here you join the gym, because of the roof.

You should never be interrupted, by the weather.

And work out daily, take to dumbbells,

Start with 3lb per hand, and begin walking back and forth.

While lifting, and again, using an interval timer to eliminate rest.

This will be easy on your knees, and slowly turn into dancing with dumbbells.

At which point, you will need faster music, and then instead of lifting both dumbbells at he same time.

Do it left right, which is twice as fast, keep the weights low.

There is just one shortcut, camping, walking in the woods, sleeping in a tent.

Switching your daily routine, roasting sausages on an open fire.

The great rewards at first, are regaining the ability to twist and turn and bend down.

And at last, the final reward, is extra 30, maybe 50 years of life.

There isn’t really a rule or sequence, just give up comforts…

And gradually, increase complexity of your workout challenges.