The Great World And Our Right To Meaning
The Great World And Our Right To Meaning

Wednesday • January 25th 2023 • 11:14:24 pm

The Great World And Our Right To Meaning

Wednesday • January 25th 2023 • 11:14:24 pm

The world is developing, and growing, it is a much wiser place than it used to be, though we still have long roads ahead of us.

In 1804 there was only one billion people on Earth, in just 30 years, there will be 10 billion people on Earth.

10 billion is a very big number, try to guess how many 10 billion minutes is?

I’ll wait… it is 20,000 years.

A very big number in deed. A very large leap in the number of human beings.

They all dream, and feel, and hope, they are all precious, and brilliant, and capable of great genius.

And yes, they are our family, we are one under the sun.

Education, real education, is the only thing that can help[ the world.

A person with real and full education, cannot help but to rise in right, dignity, knowledge, wisdom and greatness.

And rise up, against lies, corruption, and new concepts such as wage slavery, and ineffective education.

As an important and dignified chain-link, in the endless progression of human kind.

No generation, should ever allow, the propagation of bad ideas, forward int the future.

Not enough emphasis and effort, was used to leave last centuries mistakes behind us.

That in it self became a mistake, a mistake that our generation cannot repeat.

We must reject tolerance of clever liars, tolerance of uneducated muppets in authority.

Lack of emphasis on effective education, and lack of a fair and safe start in life.

Education is a form of poetry, it is an art.

And art cannot bloom, when people struggle to make ends meet.

The way to prepare for the future, is to immediately seek real education.

This can only be found in narrated books, they are free at the library…

A book shouldn't be merely read, the way they have us reading in fake schools.

A book is a connection with the mind of the author, you take what yo need, and return, when you are ready for more.

At first no one can read a book at depth, we first strip mine them for ideas, that will later help us get inside.

Do not wait until the last moment, it is not possible to comprehend 10,000 books all at once.

We need decades, to read, to think, to re-read, to think some more, and even write.

To grow up, means to grow all the way up, and that in turn means to become a great being.

Greatness is not a privilege for the few, it is a Human Right.