To Fix The World
To Fix The World

Saturday • June 26th 2021 • 9:13:03 pm

To Fix The World

Saturday • June 26th 2021 • 9:13:03 pm

If laws are like source code,
and politics of a nation is like a running program.

Then, the source code can be modified,
to eliminate poverty, mass incarceration, unfairness, and fake education.

Living within this fine program would grant us greater meaning,
as we could spend more time on learning, on helping the world.

Some may wish to know, why are we delaying,
why can't we bring that fair, more meaningful world, into existence now.

We have that little problem of following authority without question,
we have a tendency to inherit the culture we grew up into without question.

This means that a lot of people may not know there is a problem,
they accept meaningless suffering as part of existence.

There will say "what are you going to do about it?", or,
"You can't change the way things are".

Seeing that there is a problem,
requires real education.

Once we do cross into the more advanced world,
prevention of ineffective or fake education will be very important.

Just like we are confused by the primitive lifestyles of the middle ages,
the more advanced Earth Civilization will be confused by us.

Even if we can't see that our education in ineffective,
we can still feel the problem of unfairness in the back of our mind.

The future will explain our cultures as lacking in education,
as being crushed by poverty and politics of our own making.

The nations of the world can't change the laws,
because their people are still growing up to see that there is a fixable problem.

We can accelerate the time it will take the world to grow up,
by accepting the responsibility for our own education.

By finding ways to make "the gift of words on paper",
easier to learn from, easier to understand with narrated versions and interactive lectures and info-graphics.

First we self educate,
and then turn right around and build the new Universities the World Needs.

The whole world can only change for better,
when all its people become wiser.

No wrong doers, or misery worshipers, or those who feed on the poor,
can stop wise ideas that have permeated the people.

The only way this change can come about,
is by people accepting responsibility for their own education.

By understanding "the gift of words on paper", and the importance of fine unending self education.
Our lives will become more enlightened by Knowledge, Wisdom and Greatness.

Our struggles will become more meaningful when we dedicate some part of our daily efforts
to encouraging to self education and thus help humanity grow.

There is no such thing as a nerd, or book worm,
these labels mark the stages of someone's struggle to understanding.

To growing all the way up to become an Intellectual, a Visionary, and or an Inspiration,
aging on the other hand has little to do with growing up.

While there is no graduation, not n end to Real Education,
there does come a day - when our journals in hopes of grasping the world - become brilliant.

The first step is understanding, to get there we need Real Education,
and no education can be made more real, than Independent Self Education just at the right time, pace and in the correct sequence.

Let us all take that first step to making the world a more meaningful place for all the future generations,
by making room for, and reading non0fiction books that capture our attention.

The way to make meaningful repairs to the world starts with the individual and their independent self education,
and then their encouragement for others to do the same.

Let us then, take to the great adventure of finding the next set of books that will enlighten our lives for better,
that will improve the clarity of our thinking, the grasp on the world as it is today, and a vision of the future that is worth our efforts.