I Don’t Even; Or, Rebellious Web Design Is Super Fine
I Don’t Even; Or, Rebellious Web Design Is Super Fine

Monday • April 10th 2023 • 10:50:37 pm

I Don’t Even; Or, Rebellious Web Design Is Super Fine

Monday • April 10th 2023 • 10:50:37 pm

Designing just web pages, has been around for ages.

It may not be a great start, especially when are feeling smart.

Why not become a web rebel, that always works out pretty well.

Look to the edges, peer through the hedges.

Create web browser plugins, that idea always wins.

You can inject robots into pages, and have them crawl for ages.

They will build an RSS feed, without all the ads and greed.

Or send news posts to a database, and build a new interface.

You may not even need a server, browser plugins are a good money saver.

If you want to do programming later, then you pleasure may become greater.

Because you can also make just the designs, or design guidelines.

This is called making templates and themes, and sometimes components it seems.

Here you get to have all the design fun, without needing to get the programming done.

And perhaps, you could start by recreating existing apps.

It would be really cool, to create theme inspired by your favorite program or tool.

Though it makes the boring designers mad, in the age of AI Skeuomorphism is pretty rad.

But AI making designs and tiled textures, is so fantastic, you could even give lectures.

I call it the forbidden design strategy, but it is actually perfect for a prodigy.

You can even make apps for phones and desktops, fun with web technologies, never stops.