Infinite Dreams; Or, Programming Is Special Because It Has No Limits
Infinite Dreams; Or, Programming Is Special Because It Has No Limits

Thursday • December 22nd 2022 • 10:22:39 pm

Infinite Dreams; Or, Programming Is Special Because It Has No Limits

Thursday • December 22nd 2022 • 10:22:39 pm

Any time you sit down to a new program, you face an infinity before you.

Every new lesson you learn, opens an infinite number of new directions.

There is even class in programming, you can hang on to patterns from manuals.

Patterns established by the industry, or go off on your own.

Just because you take a path no one else is taking, it does not mean it is foolish or wrong.

It is almost certainly, an undiscovered path, that you are the first to walk.

And even if you decide to take a break, there are all kinds of new infinities brewing...

As the world of software programming, is constantly being improved.

For every new feature, there are countless programs that once got stuck...

And now because of a feature, that they never even expected,

They can leap years into the future, and complete a project sooner...

Then if they didn't get stuck, in their original plan.

Even the tiniest of changes, that most people won't learn about for years.

Have brilliant an enormous, impacts.

The listener listener to events, marked by a string of text such as 'mouseclick' one word.

But what if you allowed listeners with wild cards, such as, wildcard-dot-newarticle.

Here you can pull news in from all your web scrapers, or just focus on one by saying listen to hackernews.newaricle.

You can create deeply nested networks, with just a string of text and wildcard.

You can create text games, almost out of nothing.

There is a new feature in the browser, where you can upload files.

When you for example need to update, your profile photo or post and image.

You are no longer limited to just selecting files, you can select a directory.

You can create an application in a web page, that will take a folder with code files, or documents.

And clean them up, format them, automate something, or allow you to edit them in a whole new way.

The world of programming will forever remain a Wild Wild West, of invention, innovation, and wildcard dreams.

Like in the world of art, the moment you think to yourself it can't be done.

A whole new universe of possibilities, now has a reason to burst into existence.