How Can School Be Fake? Or, How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?
How Can School Be Fake? Or, How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?

Wednesday • June 22nd 2022 • 6:55:15 am

How Can School Be Fake? Or, How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?

Wednesday • June 22nd 2022 • 6:55:15 am

When we are little we learn that the act of taking a toy apart,
is also the act of destroying that toy.

Subject divisions destroy education,
being told what you should be "learning" at any given moment...

Actually prevents learning,
and forces you into memorization.

Teachers are going along with it,
because your education is not the primary reason why they are teachers.

They are teachers, to make money,
to put food on the table.

Sometimes people become teaches,
because they feel it tool a lot of effort to memorize all the disconnected facts.

And they don't want to learn anything more,
they want to turn that effort into profit.

The presidents and prime ministers, all the world leaders,
all the people who would seemingly greatly benefit from fixing schools.

Are doing as little as possible to keep their position,
they are surrounded by people who want to tear them apart, liars, manipulators, mimics...

And eventually,
they reach two conclusions.

One, do your job without an incident,
that is difficult enough.

Two, there is nothing you can do here as the position has been bricked,
to keep liars from destabilizing all the other positions, and limit the potential damage.

Just because a system is established,
it does not mean that it will do what it was designed for.

When you take something apart,
it is all still there but it won't necessarily serve the purpose it was originally made for.

Half jokingly, if teachers worked for grades, instead of money,
then maybe things would change.

A lot of politicians feel,
that they shouldn't worry about the things that you can do on your own.

When you are in High School,
you'll get a bad education, but as you grow you will fix that by reading real books.

A lot of them kind of feel, that it is good enough,
to keep you out of prison, give you text books, and work...

So that they can be the leaders,
and you can be the stuffing, the machinery, the content, the people.

This only sounds reasonable, because while they lead, and you get a crappy education,
the world's dictators use drug trade to stay in power, and fund nuclear weapons research, while religious extremists do all the rest.

Leaders, by just doing the surface work,
are just actors.

Just because war didn't broke out during their term,
it doesn't mean that they didn't play a big part in making it possible.

Because politics is so clogged up by liars, and pretenders,
it is rendered ineffective, right up until the last moment before the war breaks out.

That's when everyone turns to the same aim,
because is they don't they will be exposed, as liars, profiteering gluttons, or just ineffective leaders.

Taking everything up to the last moment,
is an extremely dangerous tactic.

The correct approach is to apply sanctions several decades ahead,
prior to the war breaking out.

is a major part of a real leaders job.

They can completely erase a war,
by collapsing all the things leading up to it.

Once the war is close, or begins,
the loss is infinitely greater, when compared to prevention.

This won't really become clear,
until you realize how easy prevention is.

Prevention, just requires real education,
it eliminates the lairs, it creates a culture of dignity and honestly...

And the leaders become powerful enough,
to practice prevention of tragedy, decades before it happens.

Let me define some terms for you, fake education, is a name I came up with,
in response to people using the words "Fake News" - it is my way of calling out the liars.

The actual term that I am thinking of, is:
ineffective education.

That is when professionals look at the long therm outcome of an educational system,
and decide that it did not have the expected result.

Because no one is fixing anything,
I just call it fake.

I suspect that schools cause damage to our natural curiosity about complex things,
that without grades and stress of fake school, punishment, poverty, and the threat of not getting a job...

When you first truly notice stars, you'll be guided to use the family telescope,
and slowly explained how Newton arrived at the laws, with little mechanical machines, and gradual changes to mathematical figures.

That with Love and Respect you would be introduced to computation on a computer where you can witness the results,
instead of paper, where the results look great when the teacher secretly forces everyone to memorize the formulas so that they can put food on their table.

That is not to say that being kicked out of school will make a genius,
though I can imagine that a lot of geniuses in deed had a start in the most terrible things that humanity can do to them.

A young person still need the framework,
not the content and direction, but the structure and availability of information with easy on-ramp access.

Easy on-ramp access, means that there is an interface for a student,
because normally scientists don't need that easy interface, though they always learn at every turn - they don't always need the Teenager explanation.

Among well educated professionals it is assumed,
that there is a certain level of knowledge that does not require all the explanations.

See that is the definition of real school,
that assumption is not made among the students, and every subject here, will have a clear and easy to understand on ramp.

In schools of today, teachers in their incompetence and insanity invented the crazy fantasy of pre-requsite knowledge,
ensuring that if you miss something in the beginning of High School, you will be forced to merely memorize content as you go on, and they will pass you along to make it look legit.

After all, they are trying to do as little as possible,
while giving a convincing impression of education and educational materials.

You kind of create a real school, when you go on the internet,
and begin researching something for real, and actually assemble that on ramp.

But you see, that is the job of school,
that is how they should be teaching you, by helping you build up real knowledge, that is relevant to you.

You can see how fitting it is to call school fake,
when you have to go home and lean on your own, and then use some of that to pass their warped testing.

The cute tests with trick questions, will make yo smile,
but they are pretty bad for you, knowledge is not a game...

Where a bunch of morons come together to throw you off,
with moronic questions.

Knowledge is delicate, you don not want to be taking tests that try to mix things up,
because they will cause harm to delicate distinctions that you are slowly building up.

I compare finals with trick questions, to a teacher showing up at your home,
and quietly reliving himself in the middle of your living room, with a great big smile of approval, or whatever.

I just want to underline that the sequence in which you learn is very important,
it is critical.

You can only learn based on what you know, it is no good for you to learn about memory collection and malloc,
when you have determined that you are most powerful when learning high level programming languages that help you to program Visual Programming Languages.

Only you can make the determination of where you are going,
and that determination will shift as you learn more and more.

Real education will alter your decision making, will enhance your personality, refine the choices you are making,
and take you to a future that you understand, that makes you feel whole.

This is not to say, that you will end up as a Ballerina, instead of a Doctor or Attorney,
it means you will become an expert of wherever you go.

If you do end up a Ballerina, they you will also run a successful school for athletes,
and you will ensure their safety and security, intellectual independence, and greatness.

An expert is a person with integrated knowledge,
that spans the entire area they are working in, Human Condition first.

As we transition to even the darker side and close,
I want to mention to you a quote by Plutarch

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled,
but a fire to be kindled."

You can see how this makes a distinction between memorizing,
and learning, poetically speaking, becoming ravenous for knowledge.

Any attempt at tricking students into memorization, including the notion of pre-requisite classes,
and especially standardized education, and of course, punishment with grades, and threats of being branded as mentally-late by holding them back - makes for a fake school.

This has been well defined, it has been considered,
if you are tricked into memorization, your school is fake, and your education will later turn out to be ineffective.

Collapsing education on purpose,
has been used to instill violence, create obedient slaves or soldiers, and cause regime change.

Schools in well developed nations, as bad as they are,
they are not yet evil.

But creepy schools do exist, and they betray students,
for money, for power, out of sickens, out of evil.

Here the teachers say, that they don't know if what they are teaching is real,
but if their imaginary creatures of might and glory wanted to do something that looks unreal, they could totally do it.

The do not accept responsibility for the things they teach, because they know they are not real,
and when pressed they will hide themselves behind a major culture, and say, and say X billion people cant be wrong.

They do not aim to win the arguments,
they aim to avoid them.

Here in closing I wanted to explain the opening line of "How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real",
this was uttered by a young person after it was explained to them that our views of the world are influenced by our upbringing.

He looked in a mirror, and said, if my eyes are lying to me,
then how can my reflection truly show who I am.

The only way to become the person that the adult you should be,
is by means of real education.

Real and meaningful life changing education,
will refine your decision making, to truly make it your own.

So that your older self will be proud of and at peace with,
that you in your youth and middle age have made.

This closing point shows you how critical real education is,
and more importantly, it shows how important it is that you get a real education as soon as possible.

The delaying of the onset of your wisdom by a moderate teacher in a well developed nation,
is as evil, as purposefully warping the minds of trusting students in order to cause regime change or raise a generation of slaves or soldiers.

Get your mittens at narrated books that are held in high esteem by all the worlds intellectuals,
don't pay too much attention to their flaws yet, it is a wonder that they exist at all.

Allow yourself to grow up surrounded by wisdom,
inherit lifetimes of knowledge from powerful biographies and non fiction.

Once your eyes begin seeing through the wisdom that does your elder self justice,
you will then, make the mirrors real.

And what is more, you will then be able to explain,
how the letters on your shirt are mirrored and go right to left, but, BUT, BuUuT, your left hand is still your left hand in your mirror image.

How can mirrors be real if they only reverse text,
and NOT your left and right hand side?
