Holiday Mischief; Or, A Tiny Little The Last Minute Thanksgiving Gift
Holiday Mischief; Or, A Tiny Little The Last Minute Thanksgiving Gift

Wednesday • July 24th 2024 • 11:45:11 pm

Holiday Mischief; Or, A Tiny Little The Last Minute Thanksgiving Gift

Wednesday • July 24th 2024 • 11:45:11 pm

Big holidays tent come as a surprise for me, I am always programming something and I lose track of time.

Couple of times a year I am startled to discover, the city I live in shut down without announcement.

Sometimes even after kind people at my gym, put up warnings about an upcoming holiday.

I still get goosed, because I don’t pay attention to the date.

I myself celebrate every day of my life, I never go to sleep without learning something new.

In my cheerful little world, every day is a holiday – and this is no exaggeration.

On one surprise Thanksgiving, I went to get some peanuts and got stuck in a 45 minute checkout line.

Not for a second did it cross my mind to abandon my dollar packet of peanuts.

A line this long is a treat for me, because of how strange and colorful such an event is.

I spent most of the time enchanted, by the various characters.

And noticing young people forced to wait by their parents, slowly becoming more and more dangerous to each other.

As their young minds unraveled, from church level boredom.

Dozens of people in a grumbly mood had to walk past me even just to see how long the line was.

Remembering how stressed out everyone was, I now wonder if my way, of celebrating every day, is a bit better.

When I was just about 5 minutes away from the busy checkout, a well dressed angry person got annoyed at how many people were waiting.

And that is before, he discovered, that the line was impossibly long, I expect it was longer, than when I got there.

I imagine the store had to stay open an extra hour maybe two, to process the line.

Seeing that he was annoyed with me an everyone else, I’ve decided to annoy him even more.

By offering to sell my spot for a cool and somewhat reasonable, $20 bucks.

Though, he didn’t look like he considered the offer, he grumbled “What are you gonna do?”

And I said, I’ll just go to the end of the line, I would have loved to see the kinds of people that were a the end.

I already chatted up the lady behind me, and a man ahead of me, who I would recognize to this day.

As he looked exactly like Super Mario, and I found it to be a real treat to comply to him about the line being slow.

Even though, people could probably tell, I loved the whole thing.

But the annoyed grumbling man just barely stopped, and kept on walking, probably just to see the line and abandon his items.

There is zero chance, I would have kept the money, I would have given it to the kids of the mom behind me.

And I would absolutely, toss my peanut on the shelf next to me, where I got them from, now almost 45 minutes ago.

And dramatically walk out the store, having delivered my thanksgiving gift.

And you bet, I think about this sometimes, if he was just a little bit more annoyed with us, it would have totally worked.

But, I ended up paying for my peanuts, which made me feel pretty self conscious and awkward.

As everyone else was buying important items, like last minute pet food, wine and cranberry sauce.

Tearing open the little bag, I realized, that my mischief may just have some use.

If a parent was mischievous enough, and early on moved in line 5 spots behind their kids.

And explained to their normally unruly children, that, if they behave like a mature adult.

They maybe able to sell their spot for a cool $40 dollars, this sale would be unlikely to take place, of course.

But the parent would get that blissful moment of peace, that such a stressful day really calls for.

And as a fun bonus get to see their child, desperately hoping to become a little criminal.

But let me tell you, from what I saw, they would be a lot less criminal..

Than if they had to stand by their parent, for 45 minutes, constantly trying to cause permanent injury to their little brother.

You wont get in trouble if you explain that you were just being clever, needing a moment's rest.

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