The Birds Are Camping Out In Ohio Again; Or, The Fifth Michigan Winter
The Birds Are Camping Out In Ohio Again; Or, The Fifth Michigan Winter

Monday • March 18th 2024 • 12:30:24 am

The Birds Are Camping Out In Ohio Again; Or, The Fifth Michigan Winter

Monday • March 18th 2024 • 12:30:24 am

Oh joy, it is snowing again, in the mitten shaped state of Michigan.

And Cheese Louse, this time, temperature dropped by 60 degrees.

As always everyone is running around confused, with their sense of Seasons bruised.

I am the only person counting winters this year, a thing that brings me cheer but nobody wants to hear.


This time it is not just snow, but little round … I don’t even know.

They are shooting fast from the sky, and hurt you right in the eye.

Even the wind is blowing like crazy, it turned the world hazy.

The new winter did not surprise me, that’s for sure, I washed my hoodies and put them right back by the door.

My gloves were ready to wear, and smelled rather swell.

And now I am washing my winter hats, and preparing a meal for the local alley cats.

Bless their chipper little souls, I also left extra peanuts for the now furious Squirrels.

The geese that just settled in the middle of the lawn, both flew off, with an old man groan.

All the creatures with a feather, are in Ohio enjoying the much nicer weather.

And the birds were right to leave, early Michigan weather can only deceive.

On the radio we were just told, that we will wake to a snow covered world.

Feet and feet of snow stacked up high, dumped with an angry thud from the sky.

Rarely, however, do we have six winters, and the fifth one always quickly melts and whimpers.

The one thing for sure, is that the harder it will snow, the sooner it will all melt and go.

Surely, the second summer is not that far off, though it will probably arrive with a cough.

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