To No End
To No End

Tuesday • June 30th 2020 • 11:38:48 pm

To No End

Tuesday • June 30th 2020 • 11:38:48 pm

When we are still learning what the world is,

we find comfort in recognizing where something starts, and where it ends.

Knowing the beginning and seeing the ending helps us feel in control,

it helps us see the journey's end, or the height of a challenge.

But all of that goes away when we begin rising,

eventually we only consider the forward motion it self.

We ignore the beginning, we abandon the ends, we ignore the steps,

and we stop measuring the distance and paying attention to the effort.

In advancing forward we learn to recognize that all things must connect,

we can only find peace in a mesh-work of common concerns and dreams upheld by all.

The roads we must travel have no limits, and it never takes long to catch up,

nobody falls behind for too long unless they practice resignation.

We need not travel far to begin seeing that the word is still very young,

that passage of wisdom between generations is a very fragile process.

Many, who are not yet mature enough for the position they have gained, may feign authority,

we have to be careful who we listen to and be mindful of the paths they have traveled.

We are the sum of all our rising, all our triumph, effort, and intent across all our ages,

how we rose, and the choices we made, and the wisdom we grew with, all adds to the sum.

That sum doesn't just outline our personality and who we are in the now,

it is the structure of our wisdom and the body of our knowledge, directed towards who we will become in the future.

A choice we make in the now, will paint a moment in our past, but also influence what is yet to come,

and all the choices added together create who we are in the future that we will eventually enter.

We must take great care of our choices, we must take care to love ourselves,

to find the calm and peace from which we can make healthy decisions that will help us grow.

Not everyone will start in a colorful city with good schools and amazing friends,

some will struggle to rise out of extremes that will never make sense.

But we must still set ourselves on that unlimited path,

and get used to the idea of no beginnings, and no ends, just that all too human forward motion.

The direction is always the same, move towards wisdom,

that is the meeting point of all human beings no matter their circumstance or culture.

We begin as children, we mature into adults, and then we must go on to become Great Beings,

all Greatness is rooted in Love of Wisdom, and the root of wisdom is found in boldly facing the challenges of life.