The Legacy And The Spire; A Note On The Importance Of Authentic Education
The Legacy And The Spire; A Note On The Importance Of Authentic Education

Monday • July 8th 2024 • 7:29:52 pm

The Legacy And The Spire; A Note On The Importance Of Authentic Education

Monday • July 8th 2024 • 7:29:52 pm


I aim to remind you, not to be tricked into not leaving a profound legacy.

One of your own making, one that you earned by facing hard challenges in life.

So that not until it came to last of your days, did you discover, that you didn't need to end, that you could transform.

Into voice, and wisdom.

This is not about a childish fear of dying, but honoring those who care about you.

Don't get tricked, out of leaving a profound legacy.

I have unfinished business, and I don't know where it starts or where it ends.

But I do know it is important, it is a duty, I have.

I dare say, it is a duty we each have.

Four strange evens led me here, and here they a re in order.

Some strange mother, thought it would be cute, to raise her young boy, now a man.

Believing that fairies were real, and I heard him explain that they were stealing sugar in his house.

This made me very sad, it upset me.

A congregation got bussed, to wideness I was staying at.

And a Bonnie Lass thought to convert a lonesome heathen, as he sat alone, away from humanity.

Our conversation ended, when she said, in front of her significant other.

That her boyfriend may end up cheating on her, but the god of the fantasy she was born into, never would.

Then two brothers raised buy a pastor mother, got very upset when I told them the world was not ending.

The short one, he just needs to get a wife, like she was some doll.

And the tall one, ended up hitting his head, when I explained nuclear power is not evil.

The gold he wore around his neck, came from the center of a second generation sun.

Whereas Earth life emerged, to a third generation star, or sun.

And of course, there is my curse, I failed all my classes.

Because I rejected, pretending to learn by memorization.

I wanted to learn math, and the silences, the way I learned programming.

And not a single teacher, tried to stop him self from marking me down.

I call this my unfinished business, Now with Mr. Dennett having passed away.

With Sir Ken Robinson and Mr Hitchens, still breaking my heart.

I think we all have unfinished business, and whether we will see a cure for aging in our lifetimes, or not.

Bears little consequence, on the body of work we are each charged with, whether it becomes a legacy or not.

We must each build, a pesonal monument, to share our un-contradictory wisdom.

It is a matter of dignity, and decency, and love of life.

And assuring those who enjoy our presence that we are as close, as a link to an auto book that captured the best of our ideas.

And the more books we write, the higher the height we help others to.

Like becoming a philosopher, the body of work that captures your ideas, is not optional.

And you have to make sure, that as adventurers take you on adventure, whether you are still around, or they reignite your spirit by exploring your narrated book.

That when they return from their adventure, they will stand taller, precisely because what you helped them remember, or learn.

The Legacy And The Spire

A spire, is a neat representation of inheritance and growth.

You can view it as the progress Humanity has made, the giant's upon whose shoulders we stand, and that there is more to come.

And a Person's personal growth, well on top of their intellectual inheritance, as they add more and more.

You can also imagine the height of a person, who did not rise to the shoulders of giants.

Or whose education was subverted, and made irrelevant, ineffective, inferior, or just meaningless.

And even more than that, a spire, is a reminder, that we must all grow all the way up.

And discover that as we each bring light to new heights, the end to our rise will never be in sight.

Each generation will begin where the previous retired, and rise to heights that the previous generation could not yet imagine.

You can see how Cowboys would have difficulty imagining, portable computers.

They could very well grasp, a wireless telegraph, but a smartphone required more than they could leap.

Very strange things happen, when you ask, what if a person from 1776 was born today.

Because then you realize, they would be just like the rest of us.

And what is a person from today, was tricked to grow up in a simulated 1776 time period.

You see they would have trouble, with their imagination.

The difference education makes, re-writes a persons mind.

Teaching a child that they will go to heaven, to meet their family.

At a time when very big companies, are bringing artificial intelligence to biology.

Is becoming ever more questionable, with AI, no longer decade by decade, but month by month.

Shortcuts you see, always come at a price, and sometimes as terrible, as giving up longevity therapy for a fantasy.

Even more down to earth, raising a child under any religion, alters how they view the world, and what questions they ask.

It reshapes their natural curiosity, perhaps makes then territorial, certainly less prone to asking the big questions.

We are here, due to the endless complexity of the universe, the experiment of life, is happening in many places, under various conditions.

We can be sure that emergence of life is not guaranteed, that the accidents Murray Gell-Mann mentions must be of just the right kind.

That it is more than just the fundamental principles, of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, things have to just right.

And when we consider this, we grasp how many times, the experiment of life, and likely universe had failed to paraphrase Edward P. Tryon.

There is no mystery here, On 7 January in 1610 Galileo observed the moons of Jupiter, moons like our moon, just about 60 years after the publication of Copernicus' Revolutions.

In 1616, the leading religion at the time, declared helocentrism, as "formally heretical", De Revolutionibus was banned until 1758.

So on January 7th, in 1610 another world, with moons is observed, and not until 1758, 148 years later, did the church unban the book.

The shortcut of a simple universe in favor of humanity, yanked us, and human progress back a 150 years.

Giordano Bruno early adopter of the Revolutions, simply connected that starts and the sun are bright.

And predicted the existence of exoplanets, guessed that stars were suns.

Deemed too heretical in all his beliefs, he was burned by small mined men ten years before Galileo observed the moons.

That our children are unsure if religion is real or not, and that people gamble, saying that it is better to believe in gods just in case, as in Pascal's Wager.

Is an insult, to the giants upon whose shoulders we stand today.

There is no such thing as a Republican, Democratic, Left or Right Child, and there shouldn't be such thing as a Religious child, either.

Parents, families and congregations, do not have the right to rewrite brains, and when they dabble in the warping of a mind, they give up more than they can imagine.

Marx, wrote that Religion is the Opium of the people, I add that the price for shortcuts is immeasurably great.

For our minds to properly function, our beliefs must be well connected, and un-contradictory.

Driving shortcuts and fantasies into a person's mind, is the tool of the slavers.

Who kept facts such as that cities exist, secret.

And uttered that terrible phrase, that a learned servant is a no good servant.

A phrase echoed today, by cunning manipulators, but now decorated as "education is white".

Tolerance of ineffective education, or intolerance of education, is a terrible curse, that yet again, will yank humanity back centuries.

There once was a battle raging for clarity of thought, but each time the attacker came close to losing, it assumed a more pleasing shape.

There is much more to the unbanning of De Revolutionibus, than am ere call to celebration, of the progression of the zeitgeist.

It is a war strategy, in a war so petty, it is simply unbelievable, a war about a little bit of coin from a great number of people kept in the dark.

We have come a full circle from the last century, again facing a Nuclear War, well three actually.

What was once a deterrent, is now on the menu, as it is better understood, somewhat cleaner in the minds of little men.

This is not the work of nations, or leaders, or men of any greatness.

It is a symptom, of the parasite of un-education,

The wish to win a war, to keep fighting is a noble one, but it does not grant meaning to the war it self.

Because what is preventable today, once it occurs out of ignorance, cannot have a meaning.

There is a large intellectual inheritance waiting for you at the library, without which your thinking will not be as it should be.

All of the books worth your time, are free and well narrated, each of those books, begs you, that you take a long relaxing vacation to properly hear it.

They ask NOTHING OF YOU, they just want to give.

Like all the thoughts in your mind are connected, so are your children to your ways.

The clearer your thinking, the higher their start on the spire.

The shorter the journey to the top, where they can add another layer to help others rise higher.

It is time to lay the shortcuts aside, and accept the responsibility for a powerful body of knowledge.

Your life must not end on your last day, that should be a new beginning to the new you.

The great legacy, that you leave behind.

Do not just exit the world, leave the best of you for those who will miss you in the shape of books.

Books you should narrate with your own voice, so that yo are always there, when needed.

Therefore, grow, rise all the way up, until you become a great being.

Laying down a path, for others to begin, where you leave off.

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