Programming, The Fourth Subject; Or, Start Learning In The Middle With Promising Blank Platforms
Programming, The Fourth Subject; Or, Start Learning In The Middle With Promising Blank Platforms

Sunday • April 16th 2023 • 11:20:06 pm

Programming, The Fourth Subject; Or, Start Learning In The Middle With Promising Blank Platforms

Sunday • April 16th 2023 • 11:20:06 pm

An example of a high level game, is the earliest version of dorm room social network.

An example of a low level game, is learning programming it self…

Where in order to progress to the next level, you have to learn about modules, or database workflows.

And an example of a useless game, is somebody turning a school subject into something that seems like a game.

Let us set school subjects aside, as they prevent real education from taking place.

They are great to turn up evidence of education, in order not to lose state accreditation.

But that is because schools threaten students, into pretending to get an education.

And root cause here, is everyone involved in a particular school, getting paid, that is why teachers prefer you memorize, and don’t really care if you comprehend things or not.

Let us take to learning programming, because it is the one thing that creates products that don’t go bad, and do not require warehousing.

In a word, you create your products out of thin air, you can sell the products, monthly subscriptions, or just the .com/s you programs.

Where other internet business people can take over, and not have to worry about setting things up.

In fact, programming is so important, it should be the fourth subject, right after, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.

There is a way to learn programming that feels like a game, except it is real, and infinitely more captivating.

And that is deploying ready made platforms that can handle payment processing, and open up a range of ready to customize products and services.

Before I give you an example, please understand that it is critical, that you do not build these platforms from scratch…

But start in the middle and modify them, here, you will never have to learn what a loop, function, or an if-statement is.

You will just discover it on your own, see it with your own eyes.

And if you need help, than Artificial Intelligence language models, will answer all your questions about it.

You must not begin learning programming in the begging, but from the middle, with a blank platform that you already deployed.

It it not ordinary platform code, it is perfectly professional, but also designed for students to lean and get a kick from.

They are high level games, blank social networks, ready for sign-ups, AI assistant services for businesses, homes, automation, and individuals.

They can use an external service, like generative art AI, but provide better value, better tooling and prompt engineering, and tracking.

Every one of these platforms has three critical requirements, one click deployment, beautiful diagrams and documentation, and fully functional payment processing.

All students deploying these platforms, must have an interest in what they do, otherwise they will become bored.

Now imagine a student interested in making children's books, and beginning her fourth subject, programming, with not really knowing where to go.

Until she realizes, that AI can both; generate the graphics, and the basic text outline of a children’s book.

She grabs a platform designed for printing on demand, and some sample code that connects to both kinds of AI, art and text.

She makes a really crude example, deploys it, and becomes completely fascinated…

with how close that membership and payment interface, is to creating a website where…

People can sign up for $40/month and start creating children books, and offering them for sale under a print on demand model.

Where no book is printed until soon buys it, this young lady, no longer needs to learn programming.

She is just advancing forward, level by level, until she is able to launch this business…

And get her Mom, and Grandma, to sign up, and create some colorful and beautifully illustrated books.

This is how teaching programming is done, this is how students learn, without being slowed down by school.

The next platform she creates will be even smarter, the code base will be more elegant and smaller.

And the platform after that, will be even more successful.

Not once, will she she get scared of bad grades, unfair teachers, or threatened with low GPA, and misery, poverty or hopelessness.

She will be driven with her curiosity, creativity and brilliance, that! is how real schools, that aim to provide real and effective results, function.