The Unbreakables
The Unbreakables

Wednesday • July 17th 2024 • 11:36:31 pm

The Unbreakables

Wednesday • July 17th 2024 • 11:36:31 pm

It is easy to figure out what school bullies want, they wan you to become a snarling beast like they are.

They want to poison you with so much of their hate, that you will not have a choice but to hate everything yourself.

But the Beast and the Barbarian are on the opposite ends, the latter is a warrior, and the first a mess frothed-up by their shitty fathers.

Who regretted their hookup, the marriage, and the first and the second kid, and I bet you, like father like son, the bully destroyed his family too.

The hollow never grow up, there is nothing in them to prevent implosion.

I didn’t have many friends, but I had my science book to ponder.

And shortly thereafter programming, which apparently now is a kind of an inside-joke.

That bullied kids are drawn to programming, but, I was drawn to the infinite complexity of it.

I cared not for games, I wanted to program deep into the computer to see what is there.

In sixth or seventh grade, we had a programming class “Informatyka”.

And some Elwro 800 Junior computers, Basically a ZX Spectrum.

And the hip teacher accused me of lying, copying code, having someone help me with it, and graded me down.

My bullies laughed at me, but I wasn't reacting, I was proud of my little program.

Like my bullies, my tracers were also unraveling before me, they were well wishing monstrosities.

Bound on destroying what made us special, and unique, and they were successful with the rest oof my class.

I remained the black sheep, still to face countless bad grades, and bullies, who got so dangerous, they had knives.

My main bully lied to them that I was hurting him, to learn how to control people, I guess.

I just saw a loser, with perfect grades, all of which were fake.

Long ago, in a crafty escape from a speech class, where you have to give speeches…

A big no-no, for now, an immigrant in America, missing many words…

Whilst quietly wandering corridors, I got snagged by a future Principal.

Who wanted to see what misfits were rreally like, so that he could run a school more effectively.


I call his classroom, the suicide club, and I am proud that my adventures took me there.

I call it this way because that is what the teachers saw, but we were the opposite, we were surrvivers.

And yes, every one of us in that room, had massive superpowers, it was unbelievable.

We got filtered right through the crappy system, into a single classroom, it is almost comedy.

These were teenage titans, warriors born to battle.

They were much stronger than the European kids, I grew up around.

And they had American color and beauty, straight out of those 1990’s High School movies.

And were more intricate in their minds, I can name every one of their superpowers, to this day.

There was one more person, a ghost, a warrior angel, who, wasn’t in the class, didn’t come acros as needing fixing.

A young lady who tried to befriend me, I was much to shy and couldn't really speak english all that well.

But, whoever that was, is still helping people today, I am sure of it.

That was not an ordinary person, definitely a warrior, a valkyrie, a guardian, a titan.

And now as an adult, I can tell you what the principal was looking for.

I can explain it in a in a word too, The misfits were…. unbreakable.

They werre causing trouble, not because they couldn't adapt.

But because they rejected, half measures, memorization, shitty parents, bullies, and pretending to fit.

The suicide club was not a class of broken kids, they were the ones that could not be broken.

They were the one who took life seriously, who lived for real, and saw it as a big deal.

One skinny boy, resisted being made fun of, and wore his favorite shirt with a cute frog.

Ignoring the bullies making fun of him, complaining to us, how broken their minds were.

The rich girl didn’t put up with anybody crap, because she was already an adult at 16.

The traveler, slept in a trash can, and woke up just fine the unbreakable warrior that he was.

The trench coat girl, a survive, built families out of rejects from the get go, she was what her mother wasn’t

Lots of kids had problems in that school, but they slowly let the school crush them.

The rejects, the misfits, the club, already lived their real lives.

The principal when he was preparing the class, put up a poster that said “Wherever You Go There You Are”.

Thinking that we were troubled, but we were the most authentic thing in that school.

He needed to read that poster more than we did, we already had integrated personalities and eyes on our futures.

Unlike the movies, none of us had a normal finale, we each went separate directions.

I left the same semester, the biology teacher said weed was an herb, and I dropped out the same day.

I got scooped up by adult ed, but school was interfering with my education.

I was only able to give proper programming the focus it deserved, after graduating high school.

And college was even a bigger problem, I ended up on the Dean’s List.

But I expected higher standards, for one Philosophy class only taught Descartes.

It is a good start, but Philosophy is so much more, and the class destroyed the promise it held.

And for me, it took the College, along wit it.

Like always, I was better off learning on my own.

The misfits, they were always too over-powered for an ordinary existence.

They are everywhere, but nowhere to be seen.

They are a billion times wiser, then when we were children.

The history maybe written by the victors, but it is the misfits that grow all the way up, and change the world.

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