Self Education and Wisdom
Self Education and Wisdom

Wednesday • November 18th 2020 • 9:35:46 pm

Self Education and Wisdom

Wednesday • November 18th 2020 • 9:35:46 pm

It is quite a quirk we have,

that we believe whatever we are born into.

It is such a terrible disadvantage,

and nobody, makes it known to us.

The study of Cognitive Biases,

should be first and foremost.

I wish teachers would speak out more often,

instead they are just pushing everyone through.

For one they get to keep their jobs,

and two, it is not their job to fix education.

It takes so little, to start learning on your own,

and it makes such an enormous difference.

Life becomes so long, and so cheerful,

and you can feel your self growing up.

Book by book, curiosity by curiosity,

all the dots connect.

And they will only connect,

if you are learning what you like or love.

If someone is making those selections for you,

then it is all just going to be disconnected noise.

At a young age it is all to easy to say,

education is not for me.

Similar thing happens in Academic Philosophy,

people simply say "Philosophy is useless for life".

"Academic Philosophy,

has no relevance."

Philo-sophia means Love of Wisdom,

but when it it taken into Academia...

When it is divided into subjects,

it loses everything, it becomes synthetic, and useless.

That's how you should view Education divided into subjects,

synthetic, and useless.

Real education is the thing that Great Beings granted themselves,

before standardized schooling became mandatory and cut up.

Build your own school,

book by book, adventure by adventure, curiosity by curiosity.

You have a powerful mind,

the constellation of stars within, is perfectly unique.

You are irreplaceable,

in every way.

Don't trust anybody to teach you anything,

just make your way towards books that move you.

In this modern age,

books are read to you, by professional narrators.

So as long as you slow down to give them a chance, you can learn,

from the Proudest Works, of the Greatest Minds, in the best of ways.

Teachers only care about the moment they are in,

but your life, will be long.

Your life will carry on,

long after school.

You need real education,

one that leads to real wisdom.

We can't go through life,

filled with disconnected knowledge that can't connect.

We need a self-reinforcing, integrated library,

of all the modern works.

You can only get that from modern non-fiction, or popular science books,

and especially when authors reference or thank each other.

A popular science book is a story about the science,

about the things that made it come into being.

Facts are the least that thy take away from it,

it is the stories of adventure, and modes of thinking that matter most.

Our search for wisdom must come first,

or we won't be able to tell real from fake.

Wisdom is fundamental to our decision making,

clarity of vision, is too important to trust others with.

It shouldn't matter where to to whom we are born,

there is just one reality.

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