Don't Let Anybody Push You Around
Don't Let Anybody Push You Around

Saturday • June 6th 2020 • 6:19:10 pm

Don't Let Anybody Push You Around

Saturday • June 6th 2020 • 6:19:10 pm

My Friends, liars happen, because it is easiest to live on the low,

and never rise, and just hide in the status quo.

That's why we often run into a trouble maker,

it takes no effort to be a faker.

Leave them, to their own stupid little prison,

in their web of lies, there cannot be any reason.

That's our first shaky step in life,

to lean to see who's hiding a knife.

And then cutting with a sword,

and setting ourselves free to move onward.

I promise You, it gets better after this,

the sun will rise, life will become bliss.

With each step we take we find more light,

and baby-step by baby-step, add to our might.

It is as simple as the math of standing-still versus learning,

one goes nowhere, and the other eventually fulfills all yearning.

Walk Your path, don't let the fakers sway You,

look them in the eyes, and see right through.

Choose the real over the fantasy they sell,

and move away from their stupid little hell.

And if someone ever comes pushing You around,

use the might of Your wisdom to push them back, and stand Your ground.

There are so many sweet little treasures within You,

the one You start with will show You heights You never knew.

And the higher You rise the more brightly You will glow,

and You'll find Your Sweetheart, before You know.

Life is meant to be lived in Wisdom and Happiness and Laughter,

Heaven is Right Now - not in some fantasy of after.

All the things that are worthy of the Beautiful You,

will never extract a toll, they will only ever add unto You.

Nobody worthy of You could ever make You feel sad or bad,

they will foolishly trot and prance to Your rescue, until You feel glad.

Don't let fakers trick You into thinking the world is blue,

The sun, is right over the next mountain, and is already shining for You.