Modern Culture
Modern Culture

Monday • February 10th 2025 • 11:43:11 pm

Modern Culture

Monday • February 10th 2025 • 11:43:11 pm

A culture is a human made construct, build on top of kinship and wisdom expressed in multitudes of ways.

Let us think of the wisdom as an eventual series, of commandments, or principles.

And let us accept that, not everyone will follow all said principles.

Therefore, we must understand, that not all of the west, is part of modern culture.

Before we talk about the wisdom and principles, I must highlight that it is hard to follow them.

That you must constantly rise to the challenge, and never stay down when you fall.

You can see, how a life of pleasure, is much easier than being part of modern culture.

People who are already challenged by life, may not wish to rise.

Which brings us to the word wisdom, and what it stands for.

It is the path that helps to avoid the loops, the negative, and broken, and it drives all upwards, towards where our minds can bloom.

But wisdom is not a force, it cannot push you, of do the walking for you, nothing can, the force must come from deep inside you.

As that is the only place that in inexhaustible, so each time you fall, you lose nothing, just get right up and keep on trucking.

To be clear, without wisdom, even people who have the power within, would be confused about where to go.

Not exactly because it is hard to see that we must rise higher, but because there is a liar and false leader at every corner.

Wisdom, or Love Thereof, Philosophy, is the mother of sciences.

So it should not come as a surprise, that it demands you question everything.

Both liars and the wise, noble, and prestigious, the superstar, and the genius.

That you, demand evidence, and fact, and you can see how a liar, will not be able to produce it.

You can see how principles build on top of powerful integrated wisdom, will in fact show a culture forward, protect it, and help it grow.

But also, how rejecting modern culture, will make a person vulnerable to attack, to servitude, to lies and manipulations.

Without wisdom, a person is damned to repeat other people’s mistakes, and sometimes with the help of the liars.

For example, by standardizing education, and forcing teachers to become desperate for more pay.

They will induce a system of coercion into memorization, thus effectively disabling effective education.

And ensuring a much easier way to find a sucker, or voter, or a poor person willing to sacrifice their values.

As young students we may appreciate memorization and cramming, as an easy escape hatch, but it is actually an attack at modern culture.

This pleasant way to go around studying for a test, is actually caustic and self destructive.

But, by the time you catch on, there will be no alternative, standardized education is an incomprehensible kind of education.

It is a noisy hodgepodge of mixed up facts, that make for reasonably looking state tests.

But human beings learn the way river systems develop, they do not way the way flies dot windows.

Let us therefore take a quick look, at a very short list, of principles born of wisdom that serve as the foundation of modern culture.

Know Thyself. True growth begins within. Self-awareness is the foundation of all virtue.

Live Justly. Justice is the core that holds societies together.

Act with Integrity. Authenticity, without pretense, is the only noble path.

Embrace Rationality. Reason is humanity's tool to unlock the secrets of existence.

Value the Common Good. No one is truly free unless we all grow together.

Balance Passion with Reason. Emotion, unchecked, can blind us; reason, unfeeling, can make us cold. Harmony is the path forward.

Foster Compassion. Help others grow and prevent more suffering.

Celebrate Beauty. A culture that appreciates beauty in all its forms—art, nature, thought—nourishes the spirit.

Maintain Humility. A good wisdom comes with the understanding of one's limitations and the fleeting nature of existence.

Honor is a Foundation To Everything. Protect it, for it is the essence of a strong soul.

Courage in the Face of Adversity. Fear is a foe to be mastered. Rise when others falter.

Defend the Weak and Oppressed. Your strength is a shield for those who cannot defend themselves.

Seek Justice, Not Revenge. Stand as a champion of fairness, not a mere avenger.

Live with Discipline. A powerful life is one of constant training—mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Strive for Wisdom and Learning. Knowledge is power, and wisdom makes one’s power just.

Maintain Temperance. Indulgence weakens the spirit; moderation preserves both body and mind.

Maintain Integrity in All Dealings. Every contract, every promise is sacred, even in the smallest of matters.

Question Everything. Challenge leaders, beliefs, and assumptions, including your own, in pursuit of truth.

Prioritize Evidence over Belief. Opinions are secondary to verified facts; belief must be supported by reason.

Human Flourishing is the Ultimate Goal. All actions, systems, and ideologies must serve the common good, enhancing humanity’s potential; humanity is not meant to be divided.

Equality of Opportunity. Every individual must have the chance to learn and grow all the way up.

Promote Critical Thinking. Discernment is the foundation of free society; do not accept ideas blindly.

Embrace Change and Innovation. Stagnation leads to servitude. Progress is fueled by creativity and the application of new ideas.

Foster Global Cooperation. The challenges we face are global, and solutions must transcend all borders.

Sustain the Environment. Our survival depends on a harmonious relationship with the planet.

Respect the Dignity of Life. Every life, regardless of form, has intrinsic value and must be treated with reverence.

This is a short overview that does not empathize much in pursuits of excellence, and does not aim to bring humanity together by converging it on wisdom.

I think it is time that we all learn to accept, that there is no such thing as growing up part way.

That we must each grow all the way up, until we all stand as Great Beings.

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