The Trail To Transcendence
The Trail To Transcendence

Thursday • May 20th 2021 • 5:50:20 pm

The Trail To Transcendence

Thursday • May 20th 2021 • 5:50:20 pm

To move forward,

is to excel at life.

To transcend,

is to move beyond that.

One of the most beautiful things that you are easily capable of,

is placing your one hundred page book, into the hands of a young person.

She may not read the whole thing,

if you title your book well, she may out think you from that alone.

But the book must exist in the physical world,

and it has to fit a back pocket.

And it has to contain compressed wisdom,

not just of your lifetime, but the lifetimes of people that moved _you_.

The need for your book,

will come on a terrible day.

There may not even be time to open it,

perhaps the Universe will only allow for having it.

Perhaps it is the promise of the book,

not the content within that will be needed.

Your self education:

the most trustworthy kind of education will be required for your wisdom.

And your wisdom is a prerequisite for your Greatness,

the greatness of your mind, the greatness of your vision.

You will have to part the time,

and make room in your life to write your little red book.

Not a wrung of your ladder should ever be fake,

as _you_ will be your own judge.

You will have to mend all the mistakes,

learn from them, and understand their origins.

In order to transcend,

you have to transform other people's live for the better.

In order to prevent them from making mistakes,

you will have to trace the roots of yours.

Part of your self-forgiveness and self-love,

will drive you here too.

Most people who cannot help but to blame themselves,

do so because they don't dare to understand that they never stood a chance.

Some of my bullies will never forgive themselves,

even though I already knew back then it was their fathers, they fear to trace their mistakes to the origin.

Do you understand,

what your book is supposed to do?

Do you see,

how noble that is?

Do you see how much more important than your promotion,

this tiny little book is?

Let me tell you about you book,

the universe will arrange it so that, most of the time the pages will be read in the same weather that you wrote them in.

You, you, are going to preserve the original notes,

and publish them as they were, when you were writing them on The Trail.

Including the last few notes,

written on receipts and scraps of paper.

The drops of rain that stain the scraps as you are desperately capturing some of your finest thoughts,

will be kissed by the rain again, sometimes on the same Trail even, though now in a leather bound miniature pocket book that you published.

Not all kisses will fall from the sky,

some will come from the life of your reader, others from your reader connecting with you, across two centuries and a half.

Your spirit,

reawakened countless times.

And your hard earned wisdom,

counting for every word, exactly as you wrote it.

Your book,

wont merely change lives...

Just like you are never too old,

you are also never too young to retire, and begin your quest for Greatness.

Listen, hear me,

you are meant to become a Great Being.

The future,

needs your wisdom.


your trail...