The Importance Of Self Education
The Importance Of Self Education

Tuesday • April 4th 2023 • 11:09:49 pm

The Importance Of Self Education

Tuesday • April 4th 2023 • 11:09:49 pm

You should never trust anyone to teach you, because a lot of people only give you what makes you more useful.

Teachers give you just enough for it to feel hard on tests, but it is all mixed up and out of sequence and context.

Did you notice how wrong subject divisions are, the words “Math Class” should make a school lose accreditation.

You can have a Screensaver Class, 3D Modeling and Printing Class, 2D Game Programming Class, or my favorite Generative Art Class.

As all of these classes would make you understand mathematics, would make you love it.

The day you programmed you first simulation in Relativity, and saw how slow light was, you’d make you miss learning math in school to tears.

The day you put your first pixel in Earths, or better yet Moons orbit, would make you stop worrying about poverty.

You would learn to hate memorization so much, that you would reject it on principle, always surrounding yourselves with books and manuals.

And you should never learn math before receiving your intellectual inheritance, from all the world’s greatest thinkers, held in high regard by clear thinking intellectuals.

Today, your teacher’s motive is just to keep you passing state tests, so that they can get paid, and put food on their table.

Teachers too have been betrayed, they are so uneducated, that they don’t know what effective education is.

Standardized education as a whole, is like rubble that crushes your personal curiosities.

There is so much betrayal, in this once beautiful idea of public schools.

That you need to begin your self education immediately, this would be easy, if you weren't also stressed out and frightened.

The stress and fright, in case you haven’t noticed, is the conveyor belt of threats, ridicule, and punishment.

Being held back, being laughed at or called stupid, having a low GPA, or not getting a worthless diploma and then dying in the streets from hunger.

But for all these layers of betrayal, there are also swaths, of life long regrets, sometimes mind shattering…

That are rooted in decision making, under the mind warping sludge of fake or ineffective education.

If we had real education, bullying would never lead to tragedy, police would be called and the bullies would be put on the really short bus.

If we had real education, there would be no midlife crisis, and no old people constantly bitching about life being too short.

Fake education, or ineffective education, or learning useless and disconnected things when you need to learn about life and greatness.

Is a betrayal so vile, that it can only be perpetrated, by people who have no real education, who just don’t know they are doing it.

No one could handle the evil, that is tricking you into ineffective education, had they known, or could understand, all teachers wold beg you for forgiveness.

You can’t even make accusations to start your journey, all you can do is to begin your self education immediately, right now.

Start at the library, so that you don’t have to pay, for what is yours.

No one should tell you which books to read, but I’ll break the rule to get you started with pleasant titles.

Start with “Giants Of Philosophy narrated by Charlton Heston”, and when you are ready for more listen to “Story Of Philosophy by Will Durant

For Natural Philosophy, or introduction to Science, listen to “A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson”.

Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries by Neil DeGrasse Tyson”, and maybe “Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan”.

And if you like adventure, or just need to decompress, listen to “A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson” and maybe consider waking the AT yourself.

Like Mr. Sagan says, we are a young civilization, without a doubt, our growing up demands real and effective education.

Make no mistake, in the absence of teachers, you must become a teacher.