Programming Teaches Like A Mother
Programming Teaches Like A Mother

Monday • September 9th 2024 • 10:54:05 pm

Programming Teaches Like A Mother

Monday • September 9th 2024 • 10:54:05 pm

It takes very little to get started, you should just watch video tutorials.

You don't even have to type any code, just search for JavaScript tutorials and relax.

And as you watch and learn, about different JavaScript modules.

Something will eventually call out to you, and you'll say: hey, I can do this...

And this process will repeat for decades, things will reach out and grab you by the button.

Once you are watching tutorials, you have your foot in the door.

And now it is not just about using modules, but writing your own.

You will discover that you need, hundred of your own modules.

Mostly just to learn and progress, but also because they are useful to the way you code.

One of my own modules that I often re-use, is called one-of.

You give it an array of items, and it returns one at random.

It is useful, when generating user interface demos.

My favorite library that others wrote, is probably lodash as it is full of tiny wisdoms.

One of he nicest videos is: Amy Palamountain on Backbone and Marionette.

Because she dares to call something useless, by a funny name, while others struggle to learn it.

But the fun starts when your practice, begins making you the best.

And frequently, at little thing or two you picked.

Then the tables turn, and theater than you learning programming.

Programming, reaches out in a way, and begins teaching you.

And you start rebuilding popular programs, but with your own vision in mind.

You make them easier, more automated.

And you go chasing bits of code, that no one else ever wrote before.

And when you finish your protect, not only are you more knowledgeable.

But you start rebuilding your program, but now with the new knowledge in mind.

It is like going back to you childhood, but with everything you know today.

Now, you approach the project, differently, and learn more new things.

And do it again, you are not requiting, you are reinventing.

What once took you months, now takes you hours.

And with all the new lessons, you become more and more powerful, by the hour.

Now all the little projects, are clear, and all the big libraries aren't a challenge anymore.

This process of rebuilding to learn, is never frustrating.

And always about rebellion and super powers, hour by hour you rise.

You innovate, invent, discover, break the rules, and rise above others who traded passion for glory.

And while you never stop learning, you will experience more and more triumphs in your code.

Your road forward then turns to art, and so does your code.

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