The Human
The Human

Saturday • July 17th 2021 • 6:48:26 pm

The Human

Saturday • July 17th 2021 • 6:48:26 pm

The world has always been improving,
but we had a bad start, we made unforgivable mistakes.

Dear and Saintly Sir Ken Robinson,
has once reminded us of what Robert Ardrey said:

"But we were born of risen apes, not fallen angels, and the apes were armed killers besides.

And so what shall we wonder at? Our murders and massacres and missiles,
and our irreconcilable regiments?

Or our treaties whatever they may be worth;
our symphonies however seldom they may be played;
our peaceful acres, however frequently they may be converted into battlefields;
our dreams however rarely they may be accomplished.

The miracle of man is not how far he has sunk but how magnificently he has risen.

We are known among the stars by our poems, not our corpses."

The upcoming change that will take root this,
or the next century at the latest.

Will be about switching perspectives,
from "We The People" to "The Human".

This change comes on the shoulders of giants,
Medicine, Psychology, and all the other daughters of Philosophy.

There will be a short pause,
as we begin asking if the lives that human beings live are worthy of their beauty.

Up to that point we will have made laws,
without paying enough attention to results, to real results, to meaningful results, to positive and reproducible results.

At this tipping point,
we will look at the results, across the entire spectrum of the Human Kind, and ask: "Are we helping or hurting?"

We will look at judges down South that didn't walk out during segregation,
we will look at judges that didn't walk out during Mass Incarceration.

We will look at police officers indoctrinated into a culture of killing,
we will look at corporations that distribute guilt among so many that all seem innocent.

We will look at teachers who tolerate bullies,
until victims bring kitchen knives to school, and end up being sentenced to life in prison, for a crime, who we are guilt of due to our ignorance.

We will look at law men who detain children for so long,
that when they lie to them, that all it takes to go home is to confess, they get a confession and the child gets prison, while wealthy evil monsters go free.

We will look at military recruitment of children,
with the promise of paid-for schools that should be free, and a career so gray, that all there is left is either being immortalized by breathtaking filthy poetry of going postal.

When we are done looking at all the stupid results that we created,
we will then ask individual Human Beings, about how we can help them.

We will ask at Beloved Grandmothers, abandoned alone to deadly cancer treatments,
and we will ask decades of children who were indoctrinated into cultures of violence and later prison for forgiveness.

And we will not stop asking,
until every culture and every age group, answers.

Until we know for certain,
if we are helping us, or if we are hurting us.

"We the people" will finally grow up enough to accept the responsibility for their existence,
for their decision making, and all the unforgivable mistakes.

And we will not let the mistakes keep us down,
we will not let them propagate into the future generations.

And no there will not be borders so that evil men can "Fix Economy",
by killing off another nation.

There will be The Human,
and at each epoch of their existence they will be helped, inspired, loved, and appreciated.

The teenagers, not going to be brainlessly taught to get wasted and laid,
and sent to college towns full of stones and bars.

And schools where the model students
are the pill poppers.

Because we will no longer harm them,
we will help them.

Help them to see mistakes,
and help them to healthy and wise futures - that only they can imagine.

The twenty somethings will not start their lives with broken hearts,
because real life is precious, is either GROW, or just go.

They will not start their lives in debt,
created by predatory organizations from credit card companies to the very schools that they memorize garbage to get into.

They will start their lives in balance, with start-ups,
knowing that the old kind of school was a con-game as bad as the many religions that pinch pennies from desperate old ladies.
(and hope that nobody remembers the hundreds of years of all the evil things that they got away with).

They will grow in wisdom, and in strength,
and discover - the light - of each other lives.

And the thirty somethings,
they will come to sense what they are truly capable of, how far their steps carry.

They will look back and see all the mistakes that we have mindlessly propagated for generations,
and they will stand guard to ensure, that they are nothing like we were at the turn of the millennium.

And the forty somethings an beyond,
will stand as Powerful and Fully Matured Human Beings who are no longer passive passengers to be ferried to the next undefined stage, or played like a piano-key.

The Powerful Human, the Enabled Human, The Wise Human with an eye on Greatness,
will reach heights that were previously undreamed by the best of us.

They will ensure profound, positive, lasting contribution to Human Kind,
and All Life On Earth.

At the turn of the millennium,
ignorance drove the politicians to use war as means of increasing health of economies - it was their unspoken secret to success.

This will never be forgiven by the future generations,
and in the first or the second century, as fact finally crushes opinion with anger.

Economies will be repaired, by helping The Human... to Mental Health, to Real Education, to Knowledge, to Wisdom,
and above all to becoming the Great Beings upon whose shoulders, the future generation can build, to no end in time.

Until that day comes,
the children we'll be watching you.