Six Months A Year; Or, Do Not Forget About Yourself
Six Months A Year; Or, Do Not Forget About Yourself

Sunday • January 12th 2025 • 12:34:09 am

Six Months A Year; Or, Do Not Forget About Yourself

Sunday • January 12th 2025 • 12:34:09 am

Getting used to Hiking and Camping is hard, because work is perfectly crafted to take everything from you.

That is especially true, when setting off on great adventures, to achieve great things.

Walking one of the great trails to become young and fit again, begins not just with aches and discomfort, but horrible toxic doubt.

We get so caught up, that even when walking is all we have left to save our lives.

We still want to go back, return to work, and maybe try again later, on a smaller scale.

Walking the Appalachian, Pacific Crest or Continental Divide Trails, requires many months, and the fastest anyone walked all three is two years.

But we are animals, apes, gorillas, or better yet, think horses.

Imagine what would happen to a beautiful horse, had they been locked in their stall.

Just like we get locked for life, in the cubicle, car, and the couch.

The horse would lose muscle, and cover that up with fat, losing the ability to run, jog, jump and eventually walk very far.

I will tell you the shocking truth, about our relationship with nature.

You will not be able to handle it, you will not believe it, but you must remember it, to stay healthy.

We can only work 6 months a year, the remaining six months, must be committed to books and adventure.

It is best to work one week, and take the next week off, to go bicycling, hiking, camping, or just walking.

And you still need to exercise during that week at work, you don’t get to sit or stress for 8 hours a day.

And it is not just about your body, it is about your education, your mind, your spirit and legacy, and your growing up – that is right, be shocked.

Your body requires long distance trails and muscle, that will make you fierce and beautiful for life.

But an adventure is also about listening to narrated books from the library, all of them, and then you re-listen to the wises ones you found, 30 times.

All the walking and open vistas, opens your mind, and makes you – not just want… but need – books.

And wise books are not just about learning wisdom, and broadening your mind.

In great part, they are about inheriting author’s culture of greatness.

When wise beings say that good art, is the kind of art that changes lives…

This is what they mean; they mean culture transfer.

Not being able to afford adventure, is a death spiral, that leaves the world without authentic leaders, on the brink of a new dark age.

Walking the great trails also creates a spiritual legacy, where once a person is finally at rest.

Their spirit can still be reached, on the trails that they worked so hard to cross.

From transforming bodies, to transforming minds, a legacy of adventure and balance with nature, is perhaps most profound of all.

We are each charged with growing all the way up, until we each stand as a great, authentic, and independent being.

For most of us, that trail, begins with adventure.

Six months a year, Ladies and Gentlemen, six months a year.

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