The Triumphant Painter
The Triumphant Painter

Thursday • April 7th 2022 • 9:37:58 pm

The Triumphant Painter

Thursday • April 7th 2022 • 9:37:58 pm

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war,
while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win” - Sun Tzu.

The creation of an expensive series of paintings,
is a multi-step process.

It begins with creation of a theme,
for a series of four or nine paintings.

Then photo-manipulating and photo-bashing prototypes together,
or the creation of an advanced digital-photo-based sketch.

Then using this photo manipulated image,
as direct reference, the perfect source of correct color and shape.

And it ends with the creation of either a single copy of the paining,
or a limited number of copies, 500 hundred for example.

This final step requires the creation of a custom frame,
that matches the theme of the series.

And the canvas it self should take advantage,
of the painting being digital, and containing multiple layers.

Don't just flatten everything,
use the options digital painting offers to create something new.

Printing on multiple panes of glass,
to create depth is one such idea.

However you print it,
print it out with microscopic precision.

To make it even more,
fascinating to look at.

It must be a smooth process,
from start to finish.

That is why you work everything out
in the initial photo-bashing session.

This is important, because eventually,
you will be working with client’s faces.

An high priced paintings,
means that there is no room for imperfections.

But the most important thing,
is that you never go to sleep frustrated.

That you always,
have a successful painting session.

This is why you should use that advanced reference technique,
and photo realistic sketch.

Selling art, especially if you choose to work with deadlines,
has the power to take happiness away from art.

The world is being choked by poverty,
because politicians don't know how to upgrade the concept of money...

And turn it into something that helps humanity,
and not holds it back.

This enormous error will trickle down,
into your art.

For example when the money from the next series of nine paintings,
can pay for a home, or medical care, or something that makes life safer.

Having that advanced reference sketch,
will always keep you moving forward.

All the while constantly teaching you new things,
and training your artistic abilities.

It is also up to your imagination to tie the series of paintings together,
put them in a futuristic, prehistoric, comedy-horror, or a marshmallow universe.

Look at books at the library, art books at the book store,
browse some movies, lookup cartoons - find a common theme.

If you choose Pop Surrealism, know that despite all the chaos,
it all comes together in its title.

Which you can find in lists of Catchy School Slogans
or even List of university and college mottos which are often in Greek or fancy and barbaric Latin.

They won't sell at first,
but every gallery has an empty wall.

Use something as powerful as multi-creature Pop Surrealism,
to shock the gallery into asking.

"Why in the doodle...
is your art not on our wall?"

Finally, I once saw a person open two windows,
in one he divided his image into a grid, and in the other he started copying by hand.

It was very painful to watch,
because he got tricked by crappy teachers and their lectures.

And probably became scared by being shamed by his friends,
who also got tricked by fake art education.

Know this, digital painting,
is not an alternative to traditional painting.

It is an upgrade to painting,
and it is a superpower.

Artwork Credit