Books And Adventure, A Pretty Neat Start
Friday • March 7th 2025 • 9:23:49 pm
Practice a fine disregard for rule, but focus on your inner palace first.
This is where you lay the groundwork, for your older self, in a way that cannot be interrupted by others.
Invite all the worlds most celebrated philosophers into your life, so as long as they are clear thinking and non-religious, and loved.
But don’t follow, don’t take their word for anything. other than something to check as you grow.
They will help you build out your memory palace, and reveal the many flaws of the world, expanding yours.
The philosophers risked everything to speak out, against, gods, leaders, teachers, parents, siblings.
None, of them I think, ever seriously spoke to old people, every page, every line, and everything in between lines.
Has been written for you, and with you in mind, to help you become a noble soul.
Philosophers seem rare today, because it is a big word, one of my favorite thinkers, thinks of himself as a travel writer.
Therefore, philosophers are not rare, they are in fact everywhere.
Prepare for a journey of 10,000 narrated books, some of which you may be doing the narration of later on.
It is a gift to you, from all the worlds greatest beings, the first 1,000 books represents your intellectual inheritance.
This is something you must take and accept, it is for you, for all the future.
But don’t just listen to a book, as that is unfair to the philosopher that wrote it.
Take it with you on adventures, hiking, camping, and even walks, jogging and bodybuilding.
Listen and re-listen your most beloved books countless times, to not just inherit the wisdom, but the author’s culture of greatness.
So that you can slowly piece your own culture together, out of the most brilliant parts, that you discover in great beings.
Listen, you are not a worker, you are a Philosopher, Adventurer, and a Warrior.
If our intellectual inheritance ever gets lost, we will fall back in time and let those who we once triumphed over, win.
Hey, listen, whatever stands in the way of your adventure and narrated books, is going to have to stand there a little while longer.
You have to be able to recognize, when the teachers are coercing you into cramming with incomprehensible materials.
You need to remind everyone that school is not a babysitter, and that if it does not teach you, then it only stands in your way of learning.
And you have to be courageous, when you are laughed that by snarling hyenas - and get out of their way.
It is going to get lonely, but you will have your greater family with you always, all the worlds greatest thinkers and adventurers, helping you forward.
Your first great challenge in life, is to grow all the way up, until you stand as a great being.
And then, you’ll know, where to take it from there.