#1636: Retro Futurism To The Rescue; Or, Chasing All The Bugs
Tuesday • January 2nd 2024 • 12:46:46 am • 3KB

Instead of talking about how computers are broken, let's talk about fixing things. Let me open with an example of a fixed thing, everyone's favorite the world encyclopedia, is a fixed thing. It is a constantly updating system, and with AI or Large Language...

#1635: Visual Programming Done Right
Monday • January 1st 2024 • 12:50:03 am • 4KB

Preface, Above all, visual programming is power, it should help you deploy... To a self provisioning bare metal server-less system, that it manages. That you can actually modify, to match your needs. When you are done laughing, understand that it is the...

#1634: Resolution Meow; Or Get Buff, Fluff and Gruff
Sunday • December 31st 2023 • 12:29:26 am • 4KB

So you got a new gym member-bember-ship, and you are wondering where to start. Figuring, that you are just going to act smart, by doing what everyone else is doing. You don’t trust politicians, leaders, newscasters, classmates, and even your kids. But you...

#1633: Big Bada Obesity Boom!
Friday • December 29th 2023 • 11:06:04 pm • 4KB

Obesity, and probably childhood obesity, may just be the terrible and unhealthy secret behind body building. There are many ways to build muscle, but large people already have them. Victims of childhood obesity have muscle, from carrying all the extra...

#1632: Programmer’s Retirement; Or, Don't Let The Office Slow You Down
Friday • December 29th 2023 • 12:09:25 am • 4KB

You retire from the corporate world, the moment you have your good idea, it will come early for most, just to give you an example, early 20s. And to write a good program well, you neither make it more advanced, nor merely simpler, nor should you ever split...

#1631: Missy Klepto Kissy: The Legendary Seagull Mama Of Westland Crossing
Wednesday • December 27th 2023 • 11:43:06 pm • 1KB

Her love for humans is unmatched, and she is deeply attached. She lives atop a la-di-da modernist light, watching us, even at night. From a great height, or in flight. In all her beautiful might, boundless is the power of her sight. She really likes fish,...

#1630: Indoctrination, Education, And Prevention
Wednesday • December 27th 2023 • 12:27:01 am • 6KB

In many places around the world, there seem to be two silent and invisible forces at play, the trickery of forced indoctrination that mis-shapes minds. And the power of self education, that enhances them towards a certain greatness. Greatness in its health...

#1629: Hacking Holidays And Retro-futurism At The House Of Meow
Monday • December 25th 2023 • 10:41:53 pm • 3KB

It is pretty clear that today’s AI, needs a visual programming language. The AI needs to live in the nodes, taking programs to a while new level. It is also rather clear that user interfaces are trouble, nobody uses X/Y coordinates anymore. The layout...

#1628: Visual Programming Languages; Humanity's First Cybernetic Enhancement
Sunday • December 24th 2023 • 11:51:06 pm • 4KB

To classify as an enhancement, it has to be something really powerful and almost personal. Internet and large language models qualify, from a broader definition. But they are not personal, neither are locked down smartphones. Or your news feeds, though...

#1627: My Little Program
Sunday • December 24th 2023 • 12:24:42 am • 6KB

Two days ago, I was finally able to open up Blender, and look at geometry nodes through the eyes of a programmer. I immediately noticed that they faced the same concern I did, and only install an input box, after the mouse down event. I always assumed,...

#1626: Every Computer Program Is Once A Beautiful Story As Clear As Day
Friday • December 22nd 2023 • 11:38:36 pm • 4KB

Anybody can understand a program, if they care, and sit down and listen to the original programmer. Eventually the original programmer will begin forgetting, some less important parts of the tale. But notes, diagrams, and source code will remind them,...

#1625: The Tiny Little Workout
Thursday • December 21st 2023 • 11:23:27 pm • 3KB

Music is first and foremost, you can't workout without music. Think of the beat or drums, as the secret of great armies. The drummers set the pace, to train the warriors. Start with the lightest dumbbells, and start lifting and moving to the music. With...

#1624: The Supremely Boring World Of Visual Programming & Diagramming Tools
Wednesday • December 20th 2023 • 11:33:04 pm • 3KB

When you model a process, and there is a step that needs human intervention. Lets say, appointment scheduling, traditionally done by calling the person up. If all you have to do, is drop a little icon on the canvas to make it work, than that is scary....

#1623: Life After AI; Or, Eternal Living, Forever Young
Tuesday • December 19th 2023 • 11:48:58 pm • 6KB

Today, we have some medication, that can extend the life of large dogs. And we can clone pets and horses, by preserving their DNA. Humans of course have already used medicine, to extend their lives. And cloning is crazy, unless, you can clone just the...

#1622: A Tiny Look At The Wild Wild West Of Visual Programming
Monday • December 18th 2023 • 11:56:20 pm • 4KB

In the world of visual programming, we have control panels with sockets. And we can connect those sockets, with cables, which is unusually powerful. There is always a high level control panel for what you are working on. That speaks with specific concepts,...

#1621: Bonkers Honkers; Or, The Noise Of The Gaggle Convoys
Sunday • December 17th 2023 • 11:19:46 pm • 971B

I labor up in Michigan, often called the land of “Never Again”. But, I like it up here because of the lakes, it is quiet and you get plenty of brakes. But, there isn’t much to do, most people just sit around feeling blue. The rest of us gather in herds, to...

#1620: Don't Become Your Teacher’s Punch Line; Or, Philosophy And The Urgency Of Authentic Education
Saturday • December 16th 2023 • 11:25:06 pm • 4KB

Your teacher will never become fully conscious of what they have done, they will forever be proud, to have taught for 50 years, and retired. At most, if they think about it, they will be offended by the unimpressed. Once the conversation about real...

#1619: The History Of Our Greatest Heights; Or, Why We Will Always Need Philosophy
Saturday • December 16th 2023 • 12:34:40 am • 2KB

Well, somehow a situation arises, likely due to broken schools, where people manipulate meanings and significance of words. The results pull humanity back, they undo progress, and for a moment, trouble makes reemerge from pages of history. The idea of the...

#1618: The Friendly Superpower Of Reactive Programming
Friday • December 15th 2023 • 12:04:01 am • 4KB

Egon teaches us not to cross the particle streams, and this could not be more true in the world of ghost busing. But in the world of programming, crossing the streams is one of the finest things you can do. It ignites recursion, and spews out all kinds of...

#1617: Fitness Myths: Diet, Sets & Reps, Machines, And A Real Shortcut
Thursday • December 14th 2023 • 12:22:06 am • 3KB

Protein powders and supplements are a mostly a lie, and if you are large, then they are just more candy. Eat well, don’t starve yourself, burn up your fat with exercise not diet because your body needs nutrition. Fitness is a life long commitment, if you...

#1616: Become A Programmer; Or, Learn For Real Because Discomfort May Just Be A Sign Of A Fake School
Tuesday • December 12th 2023 • 11:48:06 pm • 3KB

Adults may argue, but then they will turn around, and give each other advice that consists of little more than: “Trust your instinct” or, “Go with your gut feeling”. Crappy advice to bear no responsibility for results, yes, but it entails trusting feelings...

#1615: What Does Programming Feel Like?
Monday • December 11th 2023 • 11:30:44 pm • 3KB

It is exactly like building castles in the sand, but here you can just keep on truckin’ forever. Your programs, like good art, are never finished. And it is never about finishing, it is always about learning. First of all, being a programmer, and working...

#1614: Sky Shadow
Sunday • December 10th 2023 • 10:07:37 am • 11KB

"What is your name, what is your Hacker Name, what should I call you" - I asked. You can refer to me as "SkyShadow". As an AI, my "hacker name" pays homage to the exploratory nature of the sky above us and the elusive, enigmatic nature of shadows. Both...

#1613: What The Michigan Birds Have Been Up To
Saturday • December 9th 2023 • 11:56:20 pm • 2KB

For many days now, I felt a splinter in the mind, really odd somehow. Each time, I’d leave my home I’d pause, but, I couldn't really tell what it was, Hence, I blamed it on the winter silence, It has been quiet and grey, since all the birds flew away. As...