#745: Integrated Minds
Wednesday • November 3rd 2021 • 5:53:32 pm • 2KB
Ayn Rand says solve your contradictions,check your premises and convictions. But I think this is just a start,even as a teenager I used to say that life is art. I think it is all about an integrated mind,in which all our knowledge is perfectly aligned. ...

#744: A Poem Of Complaint: The Incredible Curse Of The Freight Train
Tuesday • November 2nd 2021 • 8:24:03 pm • 2KB1
I am always cheerfully up to something artistic or smart,only for a train to toot the horn and ruin my little art. I lived most of my life next to train tracks,and the loud noise the horn makes, sucks. More than train tracks, the train crossings are awful...

#743: Education Must Lead To Wisdom
Monday • November 1st 2021 • 9:46:50 pm • 2KB
While the world is still growing up,and is yet to end poverty and stop repeating its own mistakes. The ongoing the disagreements, suspicions, divisions,are just about levels of education. Real schools are hard to build,they may even be impossible. Forcing...

#742: Lady Liberty And I
Sunday • October 31st 2021 • 11:19:37 pm • 1KB
I immediately made New York my home,I even took the subway to the Far Rockaway Beach a couple of times. I felt most comfortable sitting quietly on Brooklyn Bridge,with Lady Liberty as my company. There was an old broken down bench,on the Manhattan side,...

#741: The Muse
Sunday • October 31st 2021 • 4:12:42 pm • 4KB9
Muses: The 9 Inspirational Goddesses of Greek Mythology - Mythology Dictionary - See U in History Οὐρανία (Urania) The Muse Of Astronomy Urania, 4th century BC The most detailed map of galaxies, black holes and stars ever made | Juna Kollmeier A stellar...

#740: Therefore Rise: Plateau By Plateau, As Far Up As You Can Go
Saturday • October 30th 2021 • 9:09:01 pm • 3KB
You, along with all the people of Earth,are the only force that can change the future. The best way to connect with everyone one else,is to converge on Wisdom. There will be many challenges in time,and many a fool to hope to mangle the future. Take to...

#739: A Slice Of Heaven
Friday • October 29th 2021 • 9:43:46 pm • 4KB
A season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Inspector Gadget with closed captions,and I started to kind of almost understand what everyone was saying. The first and foremost if for our ears alone,to find the divisions between words in the spoken language....

#738: Tail Facts With Dr. Meow, Ph.D.
Thursday • October 28th 2021 • 6:10:03 pm • 2KB
Well mannered Pharmacists everywhere swear,"You need a fluffy tail that you can wear". Nine in ten Dentists - which is to say - those who know what they are doing,say that without tail you shouldn't even think about chewing. All spine and back specialists...

#737: Of School And Greatness
Wednesday • October 27th 2021 • 6:53:01 pm • 3KB
A week before Philosophy finals, where we spent the semester going over Descartes,a boy in the back got up and asked who is this des-cartes guy, mispronouncing Descartes' name. The fraudulent professor was out of the class,but all the students felt really...

#736: The Century Of Freedom And Equality
Tuesday • October 26th 2021 • 8:08:16 pm • 6KB
We fixed it all,in our brilliance we made the necessary leaps forward. But,it was a slow and rough start. We forgot about our brothers and sisters in the poorer nations,children in the streets, people without homes. Poverty was creating addicts and...

#735: The First Night In The Woods, Or Why Grandpa Don't Like No Scary Movies
Monday • October 25th 2021 • 10:06:08 pm • 2KB1
You know that scary horror movie you saw as a child?it's coming back the moment you set your foot in the wild. I know "Ha ha" - you say,but just wait until the end of day. Alf, Oompa-Loompas, Aliens, Gremlins, The Freaking Omen,that giant from the Goonies,...

#734: Write Far Into The Future
Sunday • October 24th 2021 • 6:19:29 pm • 2KB
Always look deep and far,as you can't ever be sure when you are. Add it all up together,and try to make it better. Because history moves pretty fast,soon all this will become a distant past. The future will see us forgetting-lessons between generations...

#733: The Unforgettable
Sunday • October 24th 2021 • 11:53:23 am • 2KB
Socrates: The Great Midwife A Lesson From Socrates That Will Change The Way You Think Socrates, The Father Of Western Philosophy The Tragedy Of Hypatia of Alexandria History Buffs: Agora Trung Sisters Rebellion History of Ancient Vietnam The Trung Sisters...

#732: Each A Universe
Saturday • October 23rd 2021 • 7:15:34 pm • 4KB
School or College is an amazing time to read,and on our own we can learn anything, in deed. And if you can learn anything,then you should aim to contain everything. It is one of our perks,and how a universe works. And the more you know,the better your...

#731: Freedom And Tools For Thinking
Friday • October 22nd 2021 • 8:22:27 pm • 3KB
Avoid complete pre-packaged answers that are often provided in college,and assemble countless tools for thinking to fuel a factory of your knowledge. And don't search for a list of tools for thinking as we can't learn them that way,simply listen or read...

#730: World Building
Thursday • October 21st 2021 • 4:49:31 pm • 3KB
Naked Emperors are, what Naked Emperors do,don't let them fool you. Eventually it all runs its course,and even then they will only rule so long with force. We see this in how Rome met its fate,where wisdom was seen as a crime against state. And there is no...

#729: Become Wise: No More Hunger, No More Fear, Human Life Is Far Too Dear
Wednesday • October 20th 2021 • 7:59:17 pm • 3KB
The last thing the world needs is more insults,but Teachers need to pay attention to results. Teachers... A negative grade,does not provide aid. It does not motivate,it prevents them from becoming great. Far too many teachers have confused students'...

#728: A Small Glance At Borders Of Philosophy and Her Daughters, The Sciences
Tuesday • October 19th 2021 • 8:53:14 pm • 4KB
We learn philosophy layer by layer,first we take what we understand. And upon considering that,we are now able to understand a little bit more. Some philosophers consider,that we may wish to discard the ladder once we are done using it. And even paint a...

#727: Inheriting Wisdom From Books
Monday • October 18th 2021 • 7:23:10 pm • 2KB
Is it always nice to have all the friends,it depends. But you will never regret,advice that you never forget. The most powerful advice I ever got,was from biographies that I bought. Alex The Supertramp taught me,that I can't be free on a bended knee. J....

#726: Silliness, Joy And Fun Are Serious Teachers
Sunday • October 17th 2021 • 11:12:25 pm • 3KB
The better the flow,the easier the lessons go. Forced education - what a curse,there is nothing worse. On the other hand,learning and having fun is grand. When you are having fun,learning is instantly done. You don't have to memorize anything,you'll soon...

#725: The Storyteller
Sunday • October 17th 2021 • 9:27:01 pm • 2KB
The myth of Thor's journey to the land of giants - Scott A. Mellor The Maya myth of the morning star Savitri and Satyavan: The legend of the princess who outwitted Death - Iseult Gillespie The legend of Annapurna, Hindu goddess of nourishment - Antara...

#724: To Carry On The Hopes And Dreams
Saturday • October 16th 2021 • 6:50:08 pm • 4KB
The world needs, universal income, world passports, free homes for all families,real schools that produce meaningful results, wise tutors, and free libraries of lectures and beautiful narrated books. In return we ask the younger generations,to lead the...

#723: Eight Gadzillion Things To Learn
Friday • October 15th 2021 • 10:11:03 pm • 3KB
There are so many things to learn,that once we get distracted we never return. And that is absolutely the right way,self education is totally about play. It means that we just keep learning new things,that we fly with our wonderful wings. And there are...

#722: Silliness, Art, And The Universe
Thursday • October 14th 2021 • 8:44:32 pm • 2KB
We must try to be cheerful and funny,especially when the weather outside is not sunny. And we have to take care of our joy,no matter what it is that is trying to annoy. And foolishness is an absolute must,though as we grow it is something we refine and...