Standardized Education Is An Impossible Fantasy, Because Learning Requires A Unique Sequence
Standardized Education Is An Impossible Fantasy, Because Learning Requires A Unique Sequence

Sunday • April 9th 2023 • 10:40:58 pm

Standardized Education Is An Impossible Fantasy, Because Learning Requires A Unique Sequence

Sunday • April 9th 2023 • 10:40:58 pm

Learning is too important to stain with some theatrical show, education, and our early years are both too precious to waste.

It is quite visible that everyone is doing as little as possible, politicians lack accountability as their many campaign promises show…

Principals hide behind lowest common denominator state testing, and teachers hide behind principals.

Students are attacked by unforgivable loans, ineffective education, lies, deceptions, and threads of low GPA, being held back, or becoming homeless.

Schools are also the reason and place, for early drug use, with little to prevent students from thinking that it is a good idea.

All of this, and quite a bit more in less developed nations, where schools can be used as propaganda mills.

Driving students to prepare for war against some stupid idea of the west, often brainlessly propagated by uneducated politicians of more developed nations.

And this happening simply because of poverty, with an occasional bailout money works for banks and wall street.

But the way we use it today, breaks down almost everywhere else, and results in a state where among other things…

Teachers sell their students out for paychecks, just to be able to put food on their table.

The heartbreaking thing is, if we helped students to receive real education, they would wisely extend the way finance relates to the rest of the world.

In a word, once equipped with real education, the students would end poverty.

It is a self referential circular error, like ants in a death spiral.

The teachers are not just selling out the students, but also in their gross un-education are destroying their own future.

When every generation is doomed to start at zero, they are doomed to repeat the same mistakes.

Computer programming is a wonderful example of realistic and effective education, in fact learning programming is as important as learning how to read and write.

Self education in this area, demonstrates what real education is.

Here the student isn’t forced to memorize abstract ideas ahead of time, but think and problem solve, as they go, consulting manuals and tutorials as needed.

A computer programmer cannot progress by means of ineffective education, because their programs will not work, will not compile, or start.

In computer programming, it is not just that every step is authentic, but also it results in new powers relevant to the student’s own pursuits.

Furthermore, it is possible to structure education around computer programs, where students simulate mitochondria, or even orbital dynamics.

All the while learning bits of biology, mathematics, and other things, along the way.

There would be no grades in such a school, the program either works, or the student needs to take some tutorials.

It is a myth, that a programmer is some special type of creature, it arises from teachers inability to actually teach, for real.

In real education, a standardized sequence of anything, is madness, it would be mind numbing torture to learn something before it is needed.

For all the articles written about context switching and distracting programmers, I bet there are none about the disgrace of standardized paths of education.

The small percent of students that end up learning programming, are not natural born programmers… that is ridiculous.

It is just that, what they already knew, was compatible, with some number of steps, of the broken standardized education they were subjected to.

It means they had training at home, a computer, a programmer friend, and maybe even looked at a video or two.

They hopped along, with encouragement from a grade tweaking teacher, and from feeling special, by actually achieving.

That is not predisposition, that is a sliver of luck, and, it is an insult to everyone else, who needed just about as little luck too.

To cheat students out of the ability to program, which is the only reasonable way out of poverty…

And then pressure and peer pressure them, into college debt that they will be paying off well into their 60s.

Is not education, it is just arrogant and ignorant teachers, principals, and politicians, selling students out for paychecks

Right now, already, it it may be, that our only hope is students taking to responsible self education.

There will be no college, no career.

But also no debt, and no cell like cubicles.

Where they are forced to work off their debt, which politicians in their confusion ensured… that cannot be discharged by bankruptcy even..

The only path there is, is self education onward to small business ownership, and here the world of programming really shines.

The product never expires, it does not require a warehouse, and often it makes sense to sell the much safer monthly subscription.

It is hard for any one student to launch a number of smart businesses, but multiple co-founders will always tip the scales in their favor.

To put it simply, ineffective education, is not education at all.