#1297: What Is The Meaning Of Life?
Wednesday • March 1st 2023 • 11:04:26 pm • 8KB
The quick and meaty answer you are looking for, is: It is your rise to become a Great Being, by means of knowledge, adventure, and resulting wisdom. To digress, if what you really want to know is why we exist, is because the universe is constantly mixing...

#1296: Civilization Woes; An Adventurer's Guide
Tuesday • February 28th 2023 • 11:09:51 pm • 3KB
Returning to civilization is really strange, and should always be considered optional. Humans will build a little bathroom in perfectly good woods, and somehow all agree, to flock into it, ew. Not only that, but sometimes civilization comes your way too....

#1295: Rise, Don’t Be Convenient
Monday • February 27th 2023 • 11:18:27 pm • 4KB
Your obedience is the perfect solution, to all of other people’s problems. You can be turned into such a perfect fixing tool, that no one will ever notice they are lying to you. If you fall for it, then some part of you, will come to be dangerously close...

#1294: The Sparkle In Your Harkle; Or The Grumble Bumble Rumble
Sunday • February 26th 2023 • 9:44:30 pm • 2KB
Soon after Lady Philosophy gives you a small nibble, you greatest thoughts will hurry in at a proper dribble. You will no longer find yourself at the library with a hiccup, you will always know which books to pick up. When dumb teachers chase you with a...

#1293: The Atheist
Sunday • February 26th 2023 • 2:37:05 pm • 3KB
Megan Phelps-Roper on Westboro Baptist Church and "trying to make amends" I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper Christopher Hitchens Stephen Fry & Friends on the Life of Christopher Hitchens Tribute to...

#1292: Solara From Starship ʻOumuamua; Or, The Odd World Of Generative Art Paintings
Saturday • February 25th 2023 • 11:02:16 pm • 6KB
I have generated a very strange alien lady, strange eyes, originally strange fingers, and a strange robotic bird companion. It is true that I did not paint it, but there is more to art than just painting it. For one I saved it from the chaos of latent...

#1291: El Chuppacabra De Miou
Friday • February 24th 2023 • 9:28:16 pm • 2KB
A dark creature stirring in the wheat, in the distance what seems like a bleat. The sky is growing dim, as it shimmy shammies limb by limb. Followed by a little hound named, Muzyn. Not a creature with half good hearing, wasn’t stirring. For, I grabbed a...

#1290: Dare To Create Magnificent Confusion
Thursday • February 23rd 2023 • 9:38:34 pm • 6KB
You are surrounded by secret symbols, networks of boxes, and above all imagined structures. It is of some note, that indigo in Roy G. Biv, was added to because Newton wan unhappy with just 6 colors of the rainbow. Number 7 holds a mystical meaning, 7 days,...

#1289: Asking Artificial Intelligence To Explain Life
Wednesday • February 22nd 2023 • 9:15:13 pm • 7KB
This evening I though back to my earliest days and came up with a series of simple questions that I remember asking when little. I tried to get the language model AI to give me as much detail as it could, and I asked it to behave as human as it can, as...

#1288: Three Silly Poems By Edward Lear And One By An Unknown
Tuesday • February 21st 2023 • 9:28:35 pm • 8KB
The Jumblies By Edward Lear, 1846 They went to sea in a Sieve, they did, In a Sieve they went to sea: In spite of all their friends could say, On a winter’s morn, on a stormy day, In a Sieve they went to sea! And when the Sieve turned round and round,...

#1287: A Medley Of Inspirational Poetry
Monday • February 20th 2023 • 8:20:48 pm • 11KB
A Psalm of Life - By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow What The Heart Of The Young Man Said To The Psalmist. Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream! For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem. Life is real!...

#1286: Considerations For Artificial Intelligence Driven Art Product Creation
Sunday • February 19th 2023 • 10:51:09 pm • 3KB
The point is to create an online store, with one of the large marketplaces that take 50% of your sale. Know that they will ask you to advertise your product, and by extension bring customers to their platform. One advanced step for later, is a custom...

#1285: The Escape Artist
Sunday • February 19th 2023 • 4:43:22 pm • 2KB
Houdini Was the Original Myth Buster Why people believe weird things | Michael Shermer The Believing Brain - Presented by Dr Michael Shermer Dr Michael Shermer at Oxford Union Society Michael Shermer: Why the Rational Believe the Irrational Militant...

#1284: What Artificial Intelligence Sees In Our Poems
Saturday • February 18th 2023 • 8:32:09 pm • 10KB
This evening I asked a computer program to create a list of poems, that help people wake up out of indoctrination. And it found some patterns that would not be obvious, to a person that is already set where the common meaning of those poems is concerned....

#1283: Kingdoms Of Lowbrow
Friday • February 17th 2023 • 6:58:25 pm • 2KB
If you have never experienced lowbrow worlds, Then give Tchaikovsky's Capriccio Italien a listen, I think of it, as the Hymn of The Kingdoms of Lowbrow. It is beauty, and motion, and unimaginable fairy tales. And none of the creatures you hear in the song,...

#1282: A Quantum Of Greatness; Or, The Beautiful Ghosts Still In The Machine
Thursday • February 16th 2023 • 3:20:53 pm • 17KB
In quantum physics, you cannot measure an outcome, without influencing it. The particle you send to measure the position of your subject, will gently nudge it out of its way, thus altering the outcome. Please understand that this is a failed experiment,...

#1281: A Call To Learn Programming; Or, A Quick Look At E-Commerce Platforms
Wednesday • February 15th 2023 • 10:43:36 pm • 4KB
I uploaded six more products to my test store, this time cutting out most of the image editing by using a template. A template image shows the AI where white-space needs to be, in addition I included a detailed picture frame, and a seed character. The seed...

#1280: Programming Is Like Learning To Write, It Is Not Just Another Class
Tuesday • February 14th 2023 • 11:12:22 pm • 5KB
If a school tricks you out of programming, then even though you maybe great with computers… You will never really be able to use them, it is like a school tricking you out of learning how to write. Becoming a programmer is not about working in an office...

#1279: Bula, Lola, Lulu, and Kiki - They Save; Or Generating Products With Artificial Intelligence
Monday • February 13th 2023 • 10:29:51 pm • 5KB
Aside from the title image, the four products come with a song, which I am bout to roll with, and four descriptions. The song and the descriptions are all generated by artificial intelligence, this is why I call them products but not works of art. Though I...

#1278: Into Greatness; Or, On Growing All The Way Up
Sunday • February 12th 2023 • 10:57:45 pm • 2KB
A human is a really cheerful creature, that, is perhaps our most beautiful feature. You have to live deep, and examine life, and never pay much attention to strife. What things may come face them with courage, and dignity, and it won’t be long before...

#1277: The Artificial Intelligence
Sunday • February 12th 2023 • 7:41:40 pm • 4KB
"I think the biggest, like, systemic mistake in thinking people are making right now is they're like, all right, you know, maybe I was skeptical, but this language model thing is really going to work and, sure, like images, video too, but but it's not...

#1276: Learn Programming Today; Because After Generative Art, Comes Your Generative Software
Saturday • February 11th 2023 • 10:58:53 pm • 3KB
It seems really cute that you can generate some cats, and sell them on iPhone cases, though your commission is like $5 per sale. But this is a very important workflow, for what is coming next, just like you can say create a cute work of art… You can now...

#1275: Talents
Friday • February 10th 2023 • 11:12:58 pm • 1KB
Real talent is not a gift one is born with, it is forged like the works of a blacksmith. It is the opposite of useless memorization in school, here, each of your talents is a useful tool. Do not allow fake education to displace your talents, as that will...

#1274: Self Educate; Or, Don't Let Ineffective Schools Rob You Of Your Future
Thursday • February 9th 2023 • 10:30:54 pm • 7KB
The worst thing that can happen to you early on, is you becoming tricked that you are not extremely intelligent. Don't let schools trick you, you still need a real education - it will unlock all your powers. The closest we have to real education is self...