#1273: Poking Around E-Commerce In The Age Of Generative Art
Wednesday • February 8th 2023 • 11:02:09 pm • 3KB
Right now, if you setup a Zazzle which only needs username and password, and generate a neat image with Midjourney limited but free, you can have a neat product for sale. A notebook, with a pretty watercolor kitten cover. With nothing more than username...

#1272: How To Read Books
Tuesday • February 7th 2023 • 10:32:46 pm • 3KB
Above all, books are not meant to be read but heard, the same way that sheet music must be played in order to be fully understood. To properly understand a book you need the narrated version, these are called Audio Books. Books are your intellectual...

#1271: Become The Heroes, Teachers, And Guardians That You Wish You Had
Monday • February 6th 2023 • 10:42:43 pm • 2KB
The world needs Great Beings, Heroes, Philosophers, it needs real and effective schools, and an end to poverty. Uneducated leaders, and indoctrinated masses, take us towards the negative, and only you can help. What ever you are learning in High School, is...

#1270: Royal Birds Of Paradise, A Birdwatcher’s Poem
Sunday • February 5th 2023 • 6:22:31 pm • 1KB
Of all the birds there is one, that truly cannot be outdone. They are by far the most magnificent, and surely the most intelligent. Their song, is piercing motivational and strong. Not only is their vision top notch, they love to people-watch. And hey are...

#1269: The Stylist
Sunday • February 5th 2023 • 12:02:20 pm • 4KB
Cai Guo-Qiang Cai Guo-Qiang “The Making of Odyssey” The Explosive Genius of Cai Guo-Qiang | Brilliant Ideas Ep. 30 Chinese artist Cai Guoqiang paints the sky with fireworks in Florence Acrylic Paint and Balloons Amazing Peach and Plum Balloon Dip Technique...

#1268: Health, Books, and Adventure; Or, How To Prevent Your Elder Self From Yelling At You
Saturday • February 4th 2023 • 11:19:04 pm • 3KB
The beautiful lessons we learn are little flowers, and those decorate our lifelines. Someday, we will live forever, we’ll take to the stars and quickly colonize the Milky Way. Those cats will be allowed to get busy from time to time, but we are too...

#1267: An Ear For Wisdom; Or, A Formula For Crafting A Powerful Magical Item
Friday • February 3rd 2023 • 11:09:46 pm • 3KB
A huge thunderstorm was approaching Nordhouse, where I was camping in a bald spot down by an ancient dune. If I was lightening, and I feel I somewhat, am, certainly a Thunder Cat… That beautiful sandy bold spot would be the only place in all of Nordhouse...

#1266: Six More Weeks Of Furry Fat Bastard Sleeping
Thursday • February 2nd 2023 • 7:51:07 pm • 931B
The groundhog only pretends to be super freaking cute, he hates us from head to boot. They actually make the snow, they cook it up deep in their burrow. You see the prediction is just a cover, a lie, the Groundhog is certainly not the good guy. The cuddly...

#1265: Endurance Is One Of Your Major Superpowers
Wednesday • February 1st 2023 • 11:19:40 pm • 4KB
There is no better example of what endurance is, than when a couch potato goes jogging. Endurance slowly increases over time, your body adapts, that is how real superpowers work. This applies to every part of your body, not just your legs. By using...

#1264: Center Yourself; Or, On Going Around Ineffective Education
Tuesday • January 31st 2023 • 11:35:15 pm • 3KB
Schools are structured to demand blind obedience, you are threatened with being held back, unfixable GPA, no job, etc. So that you pass state tests, so that the school can stay in business. All of this is very unfair, because learning is what you already...

#1263: Becoming A Philosopher Is Just Another Part Of Growing Up
Monday • January 30th 2023 • 9:58:48 pm • 2KB
Humanity is a lot more beautiful it seems. But in all the chaos and complexity, mistakes sneak in. And Humanity is not just making mistakes, it also takes to treating symptoms as stand-alone. Symptoms sometimes assemble into feedback loops, where entire...

#1262: Beautiful Cultures; Or, The Audio Pendant Of Knowledge
Sunday • January 29th 2023 • 10:48:48 pm • 1KB
We are meant to grow up in beautiful cultures, where our minds can grow and flourish. When born to poverty and lack of education, we get confused and twisted around. No child is born a criminal, or cruel, but terrors of poverty and uneducation can make...

#1261: The Prompt Hero
Sunday • January 29th 2023 • 5:24:18 pm • 5KB
Artists References & Style Guides - For MidJourney & AI Art - These are the ones I depend on. Agnes Cecile watercolor flora painting watercolor portrait - unsaid things Akihiko Yoshida A journey through Akihiko Yoshida's art style Akihiko Yoshida Artwork...

#1260: Follow Your Noblest Curiosities
Saturday • January 28th 2023 • 10:43:56 pm • 2KB
Get a beat sequencer, and lay down some beat. Let it play until you feel the need, the need for subtle variation and repetition. Sample, some tiny part of some song, and use that as your beat. Keep it simple, but keep it changing. Don’t listen to people...

#1259: Today, Art Is Calling Out To All
Friday • January 27th 2023 • 10:00:07 pm • 2KB
There is a sense of urgency in the air, because right now Art Generators are still primitive. When you prompt for some art creation, and you should always search the internet for AI prompts first… You will often see errors, a third bunny ear, Nineteen and...

#1258: Let Your Art Dance; Or, Making Holidays Even More Interesting
Thursday • January 26th 2023 • 10:41:44 pm • 3KB
This poem is not about robbing you of the status of Starving Artist, it is a great honor and privilege. When looking back at that era of your life, you will always smile with pride. In fact if I may, learn to make Sushi, and you don't have to put raw thing...

#1257: The Great World And Our Right To Meaning
Wednesday • January 25th 2023 • 11:14:24 pm • 2KB
The world is developing, and growing, it is a much wiser place than it used to be, though we still have long roads ahead of us. In 1804 there was only one billion people on Earth, in just 30 years, there will be 10 billion people on Earth. 10 billion is a...

#1256: Undulations Of Human Kind; Or, On Escaping Indoctrination And Becoming A Citizen Of The World
Tuesday • January 24th 2023 • 11:03:25 pm • 6KB
Who or what has us trapped? we do, we do it to ourselves. Richard Dawkins says, it is an evolutionary adaptation, the kids that don’t listen to adults and test the Hippo or Snake, don’t survive. We ere suffering from a genetic blight, we don’t seek to...

#1255: Speed Thy Slowly; Or, Art Is Not Really A Destination But A Road That Takes You Wherever You Need To Be Next
Monday • January 23rd 2023 • 11:26:00 pm • 4KB
It may not be very fair to call generative art, a mere product. The soul is spread thinner, but also the scope is greater. Because the point of generated art, is to make a little business go – and that is the true work of art. Every few dozen generation,...

#1254: Learning Photo Restoration; Or, Almost Almost, But Not Quite Yet
Sunday • January 22nd 2023 • 9:03:04 pm • 3KB
I got quickly overloaded by all the new technologies, and my first Photo Restoration project, didn’t work out so good. The person requesting the restoration var very kind, but more work needs to be done. I have created 100 variations of my original work,...

#1253: The AI Operator
Sunday • January 22nd 2023 • 10:28:59 am • 3KB
Please note that AI Art, is infinite. And please understand the AI does not dream those images up, YOU ARE MAKING THE AI DREAM. You can't group it all under a single category. So as long as what you generate is beautiful, it is a perfectly valid product...

#1252: A Gentle Look At Indoctrination; Or, Don't Let Schools Push You Around
Saturday • January 21st 2023 • 11:25:09 pm • 4KB
When I was signing up for college, I questioned the selection of classes forced on me. I wanted to get better at programming, I knew what classes to take... I asked why do I need all these when I wanted to be a programmer, and the lady said weirdly said ...

#1251: Oumuamua Rising; Or, Don’t Just Invent Stories, Chronicle, By Letting A Story Tell It Self
Friday • January 20th 2023 • 11:27:29 pm • 2KB
I think we will be struck by the urge to write, thrice, in out bright teenage days, magnificent middle age, and the golden, epic age. Somehow, Humanity forget that we don’t get old, that old age is a privilege, denied to all to many. Remembering that,...

#1250: A Note From A Teacher: Parents Don't Be Mean, Buy Your Little Ones A Powerful Stable Diffusion Machine
Thursday • January 19th 2023 • 10:05:14 pm • 2KB
I hope that I don’t come across as a hater, but somebody has to say it sooner than later. Don't let your child grow up as corporate knob, buy them a Stable Diffusion rig so they won't need an office job. Throw your computer out the window, because the damn...