#1722: The King Of Nordhouse
Thursday • March 28th 2024 • 12:02:10 am • 5KB

My initial schooling was a lot of fun, I’d carefully choose some wise narrated books. And pack for a small wilderness, where I would explore countless little things. While growing in knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence. I never felt any discomfort, I was...

#1721: Fitness Advice: Sets, Reps, And Proper Posture Is Not All That Great
Wednesday • March 27th 2024 • 12:00:23 am • 5KB

Fitness and bodybuilding is a weighted endurance activity, similar to long distance jogging, but with progressively heavier weights. Like joggers, you may initially rest as your body adapts to jogging, but eliminating rest is critical, resting does not...

#1720: What Is Eating The World, And How To Fix It
Monday • March 25th 2024 • 11:59:31 pm • 3KB

It is our nurture, because our nature is to rise, invent, and explore. Every human being, has the ability to rise to greatness, But false leaders, especially those who claim to be true. Fear human greatness, and the resulting clarity and vision. Denying...

#1719: Look Beyond, And Learn, And Rise
Monday • March 25th 2024 • 12:15:45 am • 4KB

Standardized education interferes with real education, because to learn something for real it has to call to you. You have to follow your private personal curiosities, and they won’t just touch upon what is attempted to to be taught in school. But cross...

#1718: Just Learn On Your Own
Saturday • March 23rd 2024 • 11:06:41 pm • 5KB

The school is broken, but it was made to help you. Don’t walk out, fix it. Your teacher is an actor, they are not there to teach. They don;’t know how to teach, they are here for the paycheck. They are scared, uneducated, broken. They will lie, cheat,...

#1717: Troublemakers, The Art Of Troublemaking, And How Does It All Affect You
Saturday • March 23rd 2024 • 12:41:09 am • 3KB

First of all, troublemaking and making trouble, are on opposite ends. Troublemaking is a form of art, and making trouble is probably just about being mean. Allow me to show you how beautiful, trouble making is. Lets start with something simple, just a...

#1716: Temples Of Solitude, And The Arrow Of Adventure
Thursday • March 21st 2024 • 11:29:25 pm • 2KB

There is no returning from adventure. the arrow of time points in one direction. Might as well be trying, to become young again. Or un-mixing a sweet cup, or vanilla tea. Not only do you have to go forward, never fear, never retreat, never surrender. But...

#1715: For The Betterment Of The World; Or, Hiking, Camping, And The Library
Thursday • March 21st 2024 • 12:07:51 am • 3KB

Human beings have a lot of powers, and some of those can be used for trickery. Hiking and Camping over an extender period of time, combines with our powers to undo such trickery. Overwork is a nice example, it is a self sustaining pattern, that simply...

#1714: Don’t Let Silly Challenges Of Hiking And Camping Scare You Away From Greatness
Tuesday • March 19th 2024 • 11:45:33 pm • 3KB

All great adventures, start with little ones first. You start camping by setting up a tent in your back yard, if you don’t have a yard, try your room or the living room. You can play nature sounds, and from withing the tent it will feel like a safari. And...

#1713: Is School Fake?
Monday • March 18th 2024 • 11:10:03 pm • 6KB

After a while you begin noticing that the world is not improving, there is a lot of talk, but it looks to go on a loop. Look no further for proof than your own high school teachers, they are clearly passing everyone along, and demand memorization not...

#1712: The Birds Are Camping Out In Ohio Again; Or, The Fifth Michigan Winter
Monday • March 18th 2024 • 12:30:24 am • 2KB

Oh joy, it is snowing again, in the mitten shaped state of Michigan. And Cheese Louse, this time, temperature dropped by 60 degrees. As always everyone is running around confused, with their sense of Seasons bruised. I am the only person counting winters...

#1711: Hard Adventure; Or, A Workout Is The Worst Thing You Can Do
Sunday • March 17th 2024 • 12:03:44 am • 5KB

Preface I was at my doctors office, and I started complaining to a lean old person. I said my knees hurt, from jogging around town, and he said; jogging on concrete is the worst thing you can do. The old man, was a marathon runner, he ran them all, and he...

#1710: Meaningful Diet & Weight Loss
Saturday • March 16th 2024 • 12:31:08 am • 2KB

Whether you are looking to tone your body, or transform it completely... You cannot do just one thing, nor can you just do two. You need to do all the things, starting with walking and hiking. If you want an antithetic body, or if you care to become a...

#1709: Train Before You Sign Up For The Gym
Friday • March 15th 2024 • 12:21:26 am • 3KB

Exercise starts before you sign up to the gym, the gym already requires a bit of a fitness level. The first and foremost exercise is walking, and while you can walk at the gym, it is boring. The best kind of walk is in a local park, or better yet, one or...

#1708: Michigan Weather Report 2024
Thursday • March 14th 2024 • 12:42:22 am • 2KB

Well it finally happened, we had 90 degree weather. And I had my first, mosquito bite. It is unknown if it was a young blood, or a old squitoe from last year. But a bite, is a bite. despite me putting up a fight. Since the beginning of this year, in the...

#1707: The Correct Posture For Lifting Is Dance; Or, Don’t Be Fooled By Bro Science
Wednesday • March 13th 2024 • 12:23:56 am • 4KB

When people do upset their back muscles, their doctors will want you to very gently move and sway, not just lay. The idea of contracting your back, shoulder and neck muscles, to stabilize your posture is dangerous, if not down right madness. Eventually...

#1706: How To Become A Genius
Monday • March 11th 2024 • 11:28:49 pm • 6KB

Listen to all the narrated Books written by clear thinking intellectuals, and work in a field selected by your own utmost curiosities. But before we begin, know that genius is a label, that is placed on someone, not really an aim. And the world genius has...

#1705: Advice For Trainers
Monday • March 11th 2024 • 1:02:16 am • 3KB

Endurance is the thing that joggers use, to stop stopping, and run straight through their route. New visitors to the gym, don’t have any endurance. And that they chose gym, over jogging… Means, they want full body endurance, not just legs and lungs. Full...

#1704: Muscles Grow In Proportion To Your Endurance
Sunday • March 10th 2024 • 12:04:53 am • 4KB

The perfect workout is the non stop 1980 aerobic dance, with progressively heavier dumbbells. Your body adapts the same way joggers adapt, at first they run out of breath, but after a while rest less and less. Until they eventually run their full route,...

#1703: How To Structure Your Computer Programs And Clearly Communicate Their Internal Architecture
Saturday • March 9th 2024 • 12:41:34 am • 7KB

You have to use some of the highest level abstractions, that are accepted as the norm. And not just in the world of programming, but also in the large world of interacting with computers. The more popular the concept, the clearer the picture. Rather than...

#1702: 236 Days Until Halloween
Friday • March 8th 2024 • 12:15:06 am • 4KB

It was early 1990’s and I was looking for something interesting on TV, we had five and a half channels. Two legitimate and so painfully boring, that if I had to watch them it felt like being at the dentist or even the damn church. And e had three bootleg...

#1701: The Corned Beef House
Thursday • March 7th 2024 • 12:27:11 am • 4KB

I saw that there were bad adults in my high school, so I dropped out, and got scooped up by adult ed. The principal of my new school, acted way to friendly, she knew I was the dropout. I was a busy young man, I didn't have time to make friends, most of us...

#1700: Never Been Bored; Or, A Walk In The Park With My Strange Little Program
Tuesday • March 5th 2024 • 11:34:26 pm • 3KB

I am writing a strange little program, that helps to visualize program structure. It can generate code based on diagrams, host code editors, and even external websites. I wrote 4 versions in recent years, each with a much smaller code base. And I am...

#1699: Bodybuilding Simplified
Monday • March 4th 2024 • 11:33:13 pm • 5KB

There is only one full body exercis, and it is simple, you lift dumbbells to the side, in-front, above, and to your chest. The technical names are Dumbbell Lateral Raise, Standing Dumbbell Curls, and Overhead Shoulder Press, but you don’t have to be...