#451: A Tiny Introduction To Drums
Thursday • February 18th 2021 • 9:13:14 pm • 2KB2

Drums will come in two varieties, synthesized, and as a recording of a real drum. I think the rule of thumb is, the less computer like a drum is the better. Here is an example of a synthetic kick drum, followed by a recording of one. *DRUMS* There are...

#450: Exceptional Ability As A Tool For Thinking
Wednesday • February 17th 2021 • 8:20:56 pm • 6KB

The term Exceptional Ability probably originated, in a unique process required for a US Green Card. More recently it has been used by the CEO of a large company, to describe an alternative to a college diploma. Personally, I use it as a way to show that...

#449: Schools Are Bad For Us So Build Better Schools And Don't Look Back
Tuesday • February 16th 2021 • 9:16:17 pm • 1KB

Don't fall into the trap of explaining why, just start building the new schools, forget the old. The new schools are amazing, because they are about happiness. Seriously, you go there, and you pick a classroom that makes you smile the most. This is not an...

#448: Trying To Sing
Monday • February 15th 2021 • 5:44:37 pm • 2KB1

So today, I will show you how to compose your own songs, with your own lyrics. We have a talent that you may not be aware of, it is the talent of synchronizing with a metronome, or a simple beat. Here, you just turn in on for one minute, and then come up...

#447: The Music Theorist
Sunday • February 14th 2021 • 8:11:01 pm • 2KB

What is Music Theory? Pitch and Octaves The 12 Pitches Tones and Semitones Scales, The Major Scale Scales, The (Natural) Minor Scale Scales, The (Harmonic) Minor Scale Scales, The (Melodic) Minor Scale Scale Degrees (Explains Tonic) Scale Degree Names (and...

#446: You Do Not Need Theory
Sunday • February 14th 2021 • 1:32:32 pm • 3KB

Theory, is useful after you don't need it, don't do things because others tell you to do them. You are too unique, you are too grand, too unstoppable, too unbreakable, to fit any theory. Some theories are broken... college is broken, future expects more of...

#445: Fake Schools, Fake Education And How To Spot A Creepy Cult Of Greed
Saturday • February 13th 2021 • 6:50:57 pm • 4KB

Let me start by giving you the answer first: FOLLOW THE MONEY. Now, before I get into explanations, I must first give you an example of a Real School, and an Example of a Fake One. Y Combinator is a "kind of a" Real School even though it has been built as...

#444: Get Mad: Of High School And Music
Friday • February 12th 2021 • 7:26:08 pm • 4KB

In today's episode, we get mad at High School and Music. We use songs as an example of a thing... that the first semester of music class should teach you how to make. I want you to think about a website, with an album of 10 songs, that your customers can...

#443: How To Easily Learn Anything And Everything
Thursday • February 11th 2021 • 8:57:23 pm • 6KB

First of all, you can't just pick a subject out of the blue, nor can anybody tell you what you need to learn. If you are forced to learn something under a threat, you are likely to memorize it, and thus create the wrong impression of the subject. Saying ...

#442: And The World Will Grow
Wednesday • February 10th 2021 • 8:53:27 pm • 2KB

We all have to be careful about what we end up believing in, and we have to be good to ourselves taking care of our minds and bodies. Our greatest flaw, is our susceptibility to indoctrination. We have a tendency, to believe whatever it is that we are...

#441: To The Trailblazers
Tuesday • February 9th 2021 • 8:45:11 pm • 2KB2

Snow is melting, 38 days until Spring, and in just about 18 days everybody starts hitting the Appalachian Tail. Spring weather could be here in as little, as two weeks! Crossing an I-275 Bicycle Trail overpass today, I saw someone trying their wobbly luck...

#440: A Note On Self Education And Entrepreneurship
Monday • February 8th 2021 • 9:17:30 pm • 2KB

Before we trust school with our knowledge, and our path to wisdom and beyond. Before we assume that College. will open gateways to a job we love. Before we trust somebody, or something else, we must begin learning on our own, and never stop. One of the...

#439: The Meteorite Hunter
Sunday • February 7th 2021 • 11:43:55 pm • 1KB

Meteor Hits Russia Feb 15, 2013 The Tunguska Event TOP 15 BIGGEST Asteroid Impacts in History How We Proved An Asteroid Wiped Out The Dinosaurs Top 5 Meteorite Fragments People Found The Meteorite Museum Meteorites and Meteor-wrongs Meteorite or...

#438: Live Beautifully
Sunday • February 7th 2021 • 5:45:05 pm • 1KB

Live Beautifully, Stay Strong. Take to Knowledge and Wisdom, and if you so choose, Greatness. Make use of our greatest powers; Authenticity, Foresight, Insight, Unbreakability... And be mindful of our greatest flaw, our tendency to believe in things that...

#437: Karaoke Pokie: A Cappella Eve With The Dr. Meow Quartet
Saturday • February 6th 2021 • 5:06:30 pm • 2KB2

We should all learn how to sing, I know it is very difficult to get going, but maybe I can help. You will need a computer, a microphone, headphones, and a free and open source program called Audacity Find a song you like, something that you might have...

#436: Hundreds Of Good Books and Decades Of Good Decisions
Friday • February 5th 2021 • 9:24:06 pm • 5KB

You need knowledge from books to expand your view of the world, you need to know more, you need hundreds of books. You need a view of the world that comes from the books you chose, but is also correct as it balanced it self. As it corrected it self, just...

#435: The Ghosts In The Music Machine with Catpea And The Arpeggiators
Thursday • February 4th 2021 • 8:43:35 pm • 2KB1

A chord is when a person presses more than one piano keys to enrich a sound, some key combinations sound better than others. For no reason in particular, when the keys of a nicely sounding chord, are played one after another instead of all at once,...

#434: Do Not Trust Your Teachers: A French Horn Tutorial
Wednesday • February 3rd 2021 • 6:43:20 pm • 5KB1

I know what your initial worries are, but they are all false worries. Listen to me carefully, I have something serious to say, for a change. People with photographic memory do not exist, everyone who has claimed to have photographic memory, lied. This...

#433: Going Native with Prof. Dances With The Lonesome Seagulls - An Orchestral Tutorial
Tuesday • February 2nd 2021 • 5:13:22 pm • 2KB1

It is hard not to love when Composers mix ancient and modern instruments, in this tutorial I will also throw in a hint of beat-boxing to the mix. The first unusual sound that caught my attention was the steel drums in Commando, every time I hear them, they...

#432: Bass Tutorial: Exploring Bass with DJ Lil Skank
Monday • February 1st 2021 • 4:42:49 pm • 3KB1

Can you describe bass? Bass is the low frequency sound, these are the growls and thumps in a song. Back when cassette tape players were all the rage, some of them had a Bass Boost switch. The end result was to give a song more oomph, the headphones would...

#431: Live Like You Are Going To Live Forever
Sunday • January 31st 2021 • 9:49:14 pm • 1KB

Sooner or later we will cure aging, it is not known when, but it will be soon. Don't assume that technology will stand still, consider what the world was like just 50 years ago. All our errors aside, we are progressing very quickly. To live forever,...

#430: The Graphician
Sunday • January 31st 2021 • 9:29:55 pm • 1KB1

Demoscene Demoscene has been closely related to the world of pixel art, demos for computers like the Commodore 64 (1982) still feature in the Demoscene today. The demoscene is an international computer art subculture focused on producing demos: self...

#429: The Generative Artist
Sunday • January 31st 2021 • 9:22:03 pm • 1KB

Computing a theory of everything | Stephen Wolfram What is Digital Art? How Artists Are Using Technology The incredible inventions of intuitive AI | Maurice Conti Art in the age of machine intelligence | Refik Anadol How This Guy Uses A.I. to Create Art |...

#428: A Note On Learning Mathematics For Real
Saturday • January 30th 2021 • 9:31:30 pm • 5KB

Above all, you need a long-term reason to learn, if you are not involved in a particular field, then you will learn nothing. It is easy to make excuses for seemingly learning math, "You won't always have a calculator on hand" or "By memorizing the...