#528: Skunk Works: How To Become An Inventor
Monday • April 26th 2021 • 5:47:52 pm • 7KB
"Lady doth protest too much, for rather, is easier to be an inventor, than not to be one." - William F. Shakespeare. The world is your oyster, the components with which you invent things are all around you. You do not want to invent complicated things,...

#527: The Stealth Camper
Sunday • April 25th 2021 • 8:29:57 pm • 3KB
Scared of SOLO Wild Camping? Tips for conquering the fear of Wild Camping ALONE in the UK Solo Hiking & Wild Camping in Storm Alex | Ridgeway Link - The Chilterns Exmoor Wild Camp | Facing My Fears How To Overcome Fear Of Wild Camping Alone | Solo Female...

#526: Back To The Future: Reinventing A Smart Smartphone
Sunday • April 25th 2021 • 3:43:26 pm • 10KB
Today's smart phones, contain disconnected walled gardens and distant islands of functionality. The design principle revolves around that old apocryphal story, where Willie Sutton upon being asked why he robbed banks, responded: "because that's where the...

#525: Programming Tutorial: Connecting All The Program Pieces Together With An Event Emitter
Saturday • April 24th 2021 • 8:38:17 pm • 6KB
Normally, you want to go as simple as possible. So the main file to your program should not be the program it self, but rather a kind of an index of all the things that you are calling. It should be written for your Rubber Duck, for your tired self few...

#524: The Simple Architecture Of Real Schools
Friday • April 23rd 2021 • 9:32:46 pm • 12KB
Let me just open by hypothesizing why schools are not teaching, it is because they don't actually know how, and since everyone gets paid anyway, they see no reason to fix it. Let us use, learning a photo editing program, as an example, today schools use...

#523: Learning To Learn
Thursday • April 22nd 2021 • 9:44:09 pm • 10KB
Learning is like climbing a mountain, there are no shortcuts, and you have to go step by step. And it is also like putting a computer together, or wiring a home entertainment center, you can't leave something out. It is also like learning just a little bit...

#522: The Future School
Wednesday • April 21st 2021 • 8:29:46 pm • 3KB
Above all, school pays for a hotel of your choice, including food and whatever else you need, it does not matter if you are an exchange student, or if you want to live on your own. And you can't be expelled for any reason, if you do something wrong, no one...

#521: You Have To Unite The World, What Will You Call This Global Nation?
Tuesday • April 20th 2021 • 1:27:56 pm • 5KB
There isn't really much to explain on the subject, division feeds inequality. And, f you live in a major city, then there is a nuclear warhead painted at it. There is no recovery from a nuclear strike, it overwhelms everything, and poisons everything else....

#520: Learning Programming: Is It Worth It?
Monday • April 19th 2021 • 10:51:54 pm • 4KB
Unfortunately :) You don't have to tell anyone about it, just do it on the side to relax, without taking it too seriously. Buy yourself a beautiful keyboard, maybe a mechanical keyboard with funny keys. And get the 8GB Raspberry PI CanaKit for $150, and...

#519: The Builder
Sunday • April 18th 2021 • 11:21:24 pm • 3KB
Warmest Tent on Earth - Pitching in the Siberian Arctic Winter - Ненецкая палатка чум Spring Snowstorm Camp with My Dogs - 2 Feet of Snow in April Build Bird Nest Home Shelter, Girl Living Off The Grid Girl Living Off the Grid, Build The Most Beautiful...

#518: Of Self Education And Foresight
Sunday • April 18th 2021 • 2:02:01 pm • 8KB
It is difficult to try to give advice, that dictates the life ahead, of someone else. Personally, I would not take out a school loan, even if theoretically it would only take four years to pay it off. To me, those four years matter, as well as the ten...

#517: Don't Let Anybody Push You Around
Saturday • April 17th 2021 • 10:31:09 pm • 10KB
I know this sounds like basic advice, but this is tough. School was double trouble for me, not only was it nonsense, but it also came with bullies. It was dangerous, so I stopped going, it never occurred to me to call the police. I thought everyone was...

#516: Light Of The Universe
Friday • April 16th 2021 • 9:30:07 pm • 3KB
Conscious Life, is the true light of the universe. Set aside dark imaginings, because the future is bright. Complexity does manufacture universes, that eventually go dark and perfectly cold. But they only grow cold, when there is no conscious life to keep...

#515: The World Is Growing Up Faster And Faster
Thursday • April 15th 2021 • 6:56:22 pm • 4KB
Prisons should not exist, only schools and care facilities. Money should not hold Humanity back, it should help Humanity grow. And at birth, every child should be granted a home, and all the money they will ever need. We should not tolerate broken ideas,...

#514: Programming Is A Superpower
Wednesday • April 14th 2021 • 10:50:16 pm • 3KB
You don't really want to write your programs, you need to get good at program architecture, and programmer coordination. You want to come up with a system, where many people can work on your big programs at the same time. Writing little programs is fun, a...

#513: The Older Business People
Tuesday • April 13th 2021 • 10:23:29 pm • 3KB
If you ever go to a prestigious show, maybe to see a famous philosopher, or a group of amazing speakers. The wisest people there, in as far as they care, will only judge you in two ways. They will judge your spirit, by looking at your love for and the...

#512: Accelerating Business Growth: Project Bounties And Multilingual Conversational User Interfaces
Monday • April 12th 2021 • 8:47:40 pm • 3KB
Imagine, two young people purchase a "Photos for Everyone" website similar to Unsplash. The website costs between $12,000 - $24,000, but the only way to pay it off is by sending 10% of monthly income to the mother ship company. If the two entrepreneurs...

#511: The Archer
Sunday • April 11th 2021 • 9:47:02 pm • 2KB
An Amazonian Bow Competition How to build Chinese Ancient Recurve Bow and Arrow? Instant Legolas, Archery Reinvented. Is this bow the technical answer to Lars Andersons archery style? Kyudo - the sound of an arrow being released from bow Kyudo, hidden...

#510: Three Dimensional Business Development: Portable Clonal Colonies
Sunday • April 11th 2021 • 8:52:55 pm • 8KB
The Trembling Giant is a clonal colony of aspen determined to be a single living organism, and assumed to have one massive underground root system, it contains 47,000 trees. This text is about taking your first beautiful company, with an imaginative and...

#509: The Potato Adventures of Dr. Meow: Riding In The Rain
Saturday • April 10th 2021 • 10:53:19 pm • 2KB
Every adventure has its own unique song, and you have to listen to it. You have to do as it tells you to do, only then will the adventure become good. When the lake is cold, and you need a bath, there is no better time to yell bad words then when you take...

#508: To End World Poverty
Friday • April 9th 2021 • 10:12:07 pm • 5KB
Forgive me, Dear Reader, as this poem does not yet end with an answer, but it does create a question that brings us one step closer to it. President Kennedy once said, "Too many of us think it is impossible too many think it is unreal but that is a...

#507: The New Computer Revolution
Thursday • April 8th 2021 • 11:03:52 pm • 3KB
The moment you write a program it starts becoming old, libraries become outdated, the user interface gets a smell. In many cases once a program goes online it becomes vulnerable to attacks, and get this: attacks that didn't exist while the program was...

#506: Art Books
Wednesday • April 7th 2021 • 10:06:06 pm • 2KB
Creating works of art is not the only way to make money in Art, creating an Art Book, is not that different from creating a work of art. And one very interesting thing about art books is that, the simpler the better. The art book I have in mind is both, a...

#505: The Instant Artist
Tuesday • April 6th 2021 • 11:04:47 pm • 3KB
"The biggest thing in art, is getting the proportions right." -- Abraham Lincoln To get the proportions right you should use an office projector, see if a Pico Projector is right for you, they are often about $50. There are other ways you can transfer...