#408: By Subtle Analogy
Tuesday • January 12th 2021 • 11:30:38 pm • 2KB
I don't remember how I found Whitman's Kosmos, as beautiful as the ending is, it is the middle that caught my attention. "Who, out of the theory of the earth and of his or her body understands by subtle analogies all other theories, The theory of a city, a...

#407: One
Monday • January 11th 2021 • 10:57:33 pm • 1KB
Use wisdom, Get ahead of trouble. Find them, find all your ends. Bring them within, make a start. We do not age, we amplify. Don't stop, align in balance. The slightest push, is the greatest force. You cannot grow, without a multiplex. One thousand,...

#406: The Jeweler
Sunday • January 10th 2021 • 9:32:36 pm • 2KB
Mudlarking a pretty Scottish fishing village & Making a old ships nail bracelet from our find! I TURN AIRPODS into 18K AIRGOLDS Magic of Making - Glass Marbles Making a "Jurassic Park" Style Mosquito Amber Egg I Turn Stainless Steel Bolts into a Pocket...

#405: Knowledge
Sunday • January 10th 2021 • 6:48:55 pm • 3KB
You have one job, only one worry. Self education and search for meaningful knowledge, and the question of whether or not you are learning fast enough. The more knowledgeable you are, the more lasting and sophisticated the choices you make; and the safer...

#404: Strong
Saturday • January 9th 2021 • 10:26:05 pm • 4KB
Each Human Being, Must Become Wise. You are a Child of the Universe first, and within you is a unique constellation of thoughts. Our world needs those thoughts to evolve into a nebula of wisdom, so that Humanity may progress forward without repeating...

#403: Lecture
Friday • January 8th 2021 • 10:22:54 pm • 3KB
The best lecture is one that you prepare yourself, out of documentaries, internet videos, audio books, info-graphics and visualizations. Sometimes you get some hands on experience, like a Raspberry PI Kit, with a bread board and a bunch of sensors to learn...

#402: Self Education
Thursday • January 7th 2021 • 10:24:57 pm • 6KB
No matter how many times a teacher punishes you with bad grades, you are most likely to assume you are not smart. The truth is that the teacher is a fraud, they are only preparing you to put on a show. The idea of subject divisions, pre-set time periods,...

#401: Rising
Wednesday • January 6th 2021 • 10:43:22 pm • 1KB
It may not be possible to grow up, on paths that other people want us to walk. With each step we take in life we must bloom, there have to be audio books and adventures that call our name. If we take a single step to the side, we will no longer have access...

#400: Intransigent
Tuesday • January 5th 2021 • 4:06:27 pm • 7KB
If you find your self in a desert, or yearning for one, or a hermitage, or just want to be left alone. Then you are letting people get to you, you need to turn around and raise a shield. It is so easy, it is ridiculous, it is right in front of you, use...

#399: Books
Monday • January 4th 2021 • 10:37:57 pm • 2KB
If you don't like Audio Books, then you are going too fast through life, you have to slow down, all the way down until your Heart begins calling for wisdom. Look, whatever we think we know, is almost certainly incomplete without books, and it takes just a...

#398: Do Not Take Things For Granted, And Reject The Status Quo
Sunday • January 3rd 2021 • 10:08:53 pm • 2KB
Existentialists say that we must give our existence a meaning, we are not to accept what we are told to become. Evolutionary biologists say there was once a need to listen to the elders, it helped tribe cohesion, it got the younger ones on fast track....

#397: The Spelunker
Sunday • January 3rd 2021 • 9:53:11 pm • 1KB
Claustrophobic Cave Experience Kuna Cave Spelunking in Southern Idaho Tight squeeze at Deep Cave ESCAPING THE DEVILS PINCH Hell Hole Hall of Faces (Hell Hole) Spelunking the Santa Cruz Hell Hole The Nutty Putty Caves (Part 1 of 5) Lionel's Hole Slingerland...

#396: The Existentialist
Sunday • January 3rd 2021 • 8:53:45 pm • 663B
Existentialism Is a Humanism What is existentialism? Existentialism: Crash Course Philosophy Existentialism in 3 Minutes What Is Existentialism? Is life meaningless? And other absurd questions by Nina Medvinskaya Friedrich Nietzsche, 10 Life Lessons...

#395: The Cat Pea University Commencement Address
Saturday • January 2nd 2021 • 6:44:22 pm • 4KB
Dear Parents, School past elementary may not be working, you should let your children know it is broken. Tell them, it is still a big deal for you, because as babysitters go, school is the best. But be warned, if your child is getting bad grades, then that...

#394: Believe In Yourself
Friday • January 1st 2021 • 11:16:47 pm • 1KB
You really are a genius, we are all super smart. There are lots of tools, that people use to create. For example, poetry has rhyming dictionaries. Painting and drawing, has art projectors that help with proportions. In the world of sculpture, some use...

#393: Foresight
Thursday • December 31st 2020 • 10:16:26 pm • 4KB
We are each a miracle of Cosmos, and each day is a gift. Life is not short, life is so long, that you are going to forget a bunch a stuff, and not care. But it is possible to run in circles; pretend to learn, work hard at a job you hate, and never really...

#392: Prevention
Wednesday • December 30th 2020 • 10:23:03 pm • 2KB
That is all you get to save the world with, if it was easy somebody else would have done it already. Next time you're in class, look at the back row, one of them is a genius who does not believe in the world anymore, the rest need help, the sooner the...

#391: Unique
Tuesday • December 29th 2020 • 10:05:18 pm • 1KB
You are a Royalty, you are more than the endless universe will ever be able to comprehend. You can't just act like everyone else, because that is not worthy of you. You are nothing-like the mix that fits all, you are a unique-and-blinding beauty. And you...

#390: Unbreakability
Monday • December 28th 2020 • 7:25:48 pm • 3KB
There is little to stop life's misfortunes from happening, but we can learn to face them in great dignity. All misfortunes can be conquered with wisdom, the act of rising from misfortunes grants our life a greater meaning. With what we learn we can spare...

#389: Learning
Sunday • December 27th 2020 • 11:40:21 pm • 2KB
Life is not meant to frighten you, it is meant to become your most Beautiful Work Of Art. Even if we had perfect governments and perfect schools, and became perfectly educated... ...it would still be better for us all, and the universe, if you stopped...

#388: The Social Engineer
Sunday • December 27th 2020 • 9:58:41 pm • 573B
Social Engineering, Vishing Example Why Companies Like Google And Facebook Pay Hackers Millions What is Social Engineering? Watch this hacker break into a company Watch This Russian Hacker Break Into Our Computer In Minutes Social Engineering Tricks How...

#387: Vision
Saturday • December 26th 2020 • 10:25:55 pm • 4KB
It is not always necessary to accurately map the affairs of the World. sometimes all you need is a vision of a better one. The world is difficult to grasp because people in authority, have interests that differ from, the people that vote on them....

#386: Legacy
Friday • December 25th 2020 • 10:32:08 pm • 6KB
The legacy you commit to the pages of Human History, is by definition your greatest and most difficult achievement. Legacies are as unique as personalities, so as long as it is meaningful no one is greater than the next. There is an exception worth noting...

#385: To Change The World
Thursday • December 24th 2020 • 11:17:25 pm • 987B
Your great strength is yours only, it is for you so that you may live a beautiful and meaningful life. It cannot be sold or rented, because it is priceless. Nor, can you give it away, under any circumstance. Everybody that has something to gain, will try...