#312: Seeing In Parallel: The Colors Of Night
Thursday • October 22nd 2020 • 10:38:24 pm • 3KB2
The distance between Science and Play, between Adventurer and Scientist, approaches zero will approach zero in proportion to just how much fun you are having. My first independent invention was a CD based Car MP3 player in 1998, there were many other mp3...

#311: Get Out Of My Laboratory, Or Invention Is A Teacher
Wednesday • October 21st 2020 • 11:38:31 pm • 3KB
I think that is how the great thinkers learned in the past, they would grab onto something like Gravitation, Electromagnetism, Pendulums, and try to figure out how they worked, what forces influenced the things they observed. Inventing and Invention, makes...

#310: Not To Mention Business Invention
Tuesday • October 20th 2020 • 11:46:59 pm • 3KB
You are a great inventor, invention is something we do naturally, but you need to detox from all the hustle and bustle of busy life. Your private inventions usually build on something someone else did, so social networks, websites, photography, and maybe...

#309: The Next Eighty Years
Monday • October 19th 2020 • 4:43:58 pm • 5KB
My Friends, No century is ordinary, and such is the case with this one, you have a little bit of work to do, you may need to slow down with school and work a bit. You will be creating a series of books about Real Education, Governing the World, Human...

#308: The Interactive Fiction Writer
Sunday • October 18th 2020 • 11:20:11 pm • 1KB
Introduction to Interactive Fiction Harvesting Interactive Fiction (IF) GDC Microtalk: Emily Short - Creating Great Protagonists AdventureX 2016 - Emily Short: The Past, Present and Future of Interactive Fiction Gaming Culture: What ever happened with Text...

#307: A Touch of Magic: Keep a Backpack
Sunday • October 18th 2020 • 8:07:41 pm • 4KB
If loneliness, school, or work has you stressed out, and in haste you are slowly forgetting where your lines are. Here's a bit of magic for you, it will help you separate who you are, from what you choose to do. Keep a backpack by your front door, make...

#306: Chopping Wood, Moose, and Beaver, Gol Dang It!
Saturday • October 17th 2020 • 1:37:03 pm • 4KB
Living is Art, so lift your brush to the canvas, Dear Friends. Fatigue, overwork, imbalance, tiredness, all conspire to keep us running in circles. Especially, right before setting off on an adventure, sometimes it takes up to a week, to remember who we...

#305: Take A Year Off, To Read
Friday • October 16th 2020 • 10:31:42 pm • 2KB
Schools and Teachers, Universities, Colleges, and Professors, and even Politicians, all had an amazing opportunity to enable the current generations with Real Education. They will keep saying that they are working on it, and that they love students, but...

#304: Of Watercolors of Yesteryear and Blooming Flowers of Tomorrow
Thursday • October 15th 2020 • 10:56:41 pm • 3KB
Humanity is like a Garden, and Humans are flowers that grow with Knowledge. No one flower can make the other grow, but we can share and pass on good ideas amongst each other. All those good ideas combined, form our body of Knowledge. Only with real...

#303: De Hominis Dignitate
Wednesday • October 14th 2020 • 10:20:44 pm • 3KB
Your Ideas, Curiosities, Adventures, Doodles, and Little Poems, is all there is, and it is all that will hold the world together. From the little seed of your notebook, your trusty pencil, that one thing you posted on the internet that still impresses you,...

#302: Ariadne
Tuesday • October 13th 2020 • 10:10:03 pm • 4KB
Each human being contains precisely one labyrinth mostly consisting of a single long winding road with plenty of forks. this is their own perfect, private, personal, sacred curriculum. If they are granted the opportunity to follow it, at their own pace, in...

#301: Back Row
Monday • October 12th 2020 • 6:19:41 pm • 6KB
Do not drop out of High School, the Back Row is a special place. It is how the Universe asks for help, you are being asked to watch for trouble. To keep an eye on your bullies, make sure they all come back from home. Their violence is an expression of...

#300: The Rocketeer
Sunday • October 11th 2020 • 11:55:55 pm • 770B
On a Rocket Launch to Space Gravity Visualized Introduction to Lunar Free-Return Trajectories Balloon to Near Space Rocket Science in 120, Orbital Mechanics Rocket Science in 120, Orbital Maneuvers Orbital Mechanics by Nick Morgan Space Flight, The...

#299: Education vs Knowledge
Sunday • October 11th 2020 • 9:47:33 pm • 5KB
For Humans, tragically, it is either knowledge or conflict. We come from warring tribes, humanity has risen from war. That rise came from, increasing levels of knowledge. The modern Human has been around for 200,000 years, it is the knowledge that we...

#298: The Dark Nights At Nordhouse Dunes
Saturday • October 10th 2020 • 7:13:38 pm • 2KB
Nowhere better can we connect with the Universe, than that lost and lonely, lonesome dark. I listened to the crickets, and the frogs, I listened to the leaves, and waves. And when the stars and the moon came out, I'd walk in the sunlight touched the moon. ...

#297: The Programmers
Friday • October 9th 2020 • 3:01:58 pm • 3KB
They were students, researching, thinking, learning, they were not renowned scientists, they were just bored programmers looking for a challenge. Something greater than mathematics, or algorithms, or languages, they were looking for something more than any...

#296: Flowers Of Earth: We set off to meet the others at Betelgeuse.
Thursday • October 8th 2020 • 7:47:57 pm • 2KB
We have traveled to watch Alpha Orionis undergo Supernova, and to say Hello, to everybody else, who had the same idea. We have been studying it even before we became space faring species, we as in all the species that grew up seeing it with their own eyes...

#295: Cosmopolis 1.1: Massively Multiuser Self Assembling Intelligence
Wednesday • October 7th 2020 • 5:16:22 pm • 3KB
Here our Heroines discovered that Social Networks could be used as Human Intelligence based Computer, and that all it required to build entire governments was the concept of nested groups, (mathematically speaking graphs of sets to which users belong to)....

#294: The Midnight Owl
Tuesday • October 6th 2020 • 10:35:21 pm • 916B
Once, late at night, I was prancing in the moonlight. Marching through the woodlands of Ludington State Park, and I must say, even with the moonlight the woods remained dark. There was an occasional bark or a howl, but it didn't get scary till I heard an...

#293: Memorizing Is Not Learning
Monday • October 5th 2020 • 9:21:31 pm • 6KB
To learn something you must hunger for it, to learn something, you must love it. To learn something, you must enjoy it so much, that you will put it aside, and learn the stuff beneath it first, to grant yourself a fair chance at mastery. Every little bit...

#292: The Writer
Sunday • October 4th 2020 • 10:21:27 pm • 668B
Why should you read Kurt Vonnegut? Kurt Vonnegut, Shape of Stories Kurt Vonnegut interview on 90 Minutes Live - 1978 Kurt Vonnegut Interview on The Dick Cavett Show 1989 Kurt Vonnegut interview (1999) Kurt Vonnegut on Political Satire in America (2005)...

#291: You Have To Move Mountains
Sunday • October 4th 2020 • 7:34:50 pm • 2KB
I am sorry my Friends, but life is not to be lived quietly. If you are not shaking, and you voice is not broken, from screaming an yelling at the Congress, when they called you in for questioning - but they had to drag you out, for screaming - about the...

#290: The World Belongs To You
Saturday • October 3rd 2020 • 11:15:42 am • 2KB
By the time you realize how true it is that the world is yours, all the authority figures you once knew, will have retired. So in teenage days, just as teachers are brainlessly trying to convince everyone, that we are not good enough because we don't...

#289: The League of Extraordinary Ladies
Friday • October 2nd 2020 • 10:48:07 pm • 7KB
At first they laughed, then they called them a cult, then accused them of corruption, and when it was all over, most called them The Founding Mothers. We didn't live under a threat of Nuclear War, the models predicted the war as 100% certain. This is what...