#336: Ohm's Law
Wednesday • November 11th 2020 • 11:39:44 pm • 3KB

Each lesson must add to the next one, we hardly need to push ourselves. It sooo important that you start with something you like, it can be anything flying kites, planting flowers, feeding squirrels. There area always extras that come alongside, and they...

#335: You Are Meant To Become A Great Being
Tuesday • November 10th 2020 • 9:17:02 pm • 1KB

That is the law, above all laws, that is the rule above all rules. That is the advice, above all advice, that is the last sacred wisdom. The adults can have whatever they want, and a full measure of happiness, so as long as it does not interfere with your...

#334: Humanity's Health
Monday • November 9th 2020 • 8:55:08 pm • 1KB

Each time someone loses belief in themselves, the world becomes a darker place. The bad people are sick and broken, they only have as much power as you give them. The more you grow in strength, the weaker, they become. Humans are unbreakable, just as soon...

#333: For All Your Achievements
Sunday • November 8th 2020 • 11:29:15 pm • 1KB

When you think about life decade by decade, you can see that it is best lived by following an upward slope. Each decade should be powerful for us, it should propel us forward and beyond. We must really take the time to consider what is important, what is...

#332: The Fearless
Sunday • November 8th 2020 • 10:58:43 pm • 2KB

THE PENAL COLONY / a short film based on Pussy Riot's Nadya Tolokonnikova's prison hunger strike RIOT - БУНТ, ВОССТАНИЕ. Интервью федеральному каналу в СИЗО, 2012 год / Official Prison Video 2012 Nadya Tolokonnikova - Pussy Riot interview Pussy Riot's...

#331: Jack Pine, Lighthouse, and Nordhouse
Saturday • November 7th 2020 • 9:16:15 pm • 7KB

You are more than a student, or employee, you are more than what you have, and even more than your dreams. But oh my gosh, it is so easy to forget how special we all are, fall to daily routines, and carrots and sticks and stones. Two weeks of vacation for...

#330: Your Next Adventure: Power Of Books
Friday • November 6th 2020 • 10:55:33 pm • 3KB

Books and Audio Books, are as important to us as food. But many of us can't get into them, and there is a reason why. Many lives are lived at a speed, that makes books hard to follow and understand. We lead busy lives, and majority of our time is spent in...

#329: So That The Younger Generations May Follow
Thursday • November 5th 2020 • 11:02:43 pm • 1KB

The only thing that divides Humanity, is levels of education. The more educated we become, the closer we come together. With real education, comes wisdom. Humanity is destined, to come together in Wisdom and Peace. To hasten our Convergence on Wisdom, we...

#328: You Have No Limits
Wednesday • November 4th 2020 • 11:37:58 pm • 5KB

Fake schooling and the resulting lack of education, not only hold us back and propagate misery but will destabilize a nation. But the problems are far more complicated, for one there are very few real criminals, most were just warped by lack of school....

#327: United In Wisdom
Tuesday • November 3rd 2020 • 8:32:46 pm • 1KB

Humanity can only grow by looking into its heart, and slowly learning Philosophy, Sciences, and Art. It is easy. It is what the modern non-fiction is all about, just, grab an audio book and go all out. Hey, you don't need any reasons, to become a...

#326: Only Wisdom Helps Humanity Grow
Monday • November 2nd 2020 • 6:23:37 pm • 2KB

Wisdom is the substance with which Humanity grows, and it is also the might with which every hero rose. There cannot be a united world without a wise voter, systems of politics can't work like a motor. Corruption comes out of most people wanting to appear...

#325: Learn In Need, Learn In Deed
Sunday • November 1st 2020 • 11:00:48 pm • 587B

Very gently we must step out of comfort zone, and find something our elder selves may wish to have known. We learn best out of curiosity and in need, and to so start we need a direction and a seed. A direction is set by something cool, and a seed makes us...

#324: The Engineer
Sunday • November 1st 2020 • 10:59:28 pm • 2KB

7 MILLION VOLT TASER How to make a Wildlife Camera (using a Raspberry Pi!) | Maddie Moate DIY ARDUINO CAT FOOD DISPENSER HOW TO SOLDER What is worth desoldering from old electronics? Let´s build - BARKING DOG ALARM! Building my first ROBOT ARM! My first...

#323: All Saints' Eve
Saturday • October 31st 2020 • 12:30:18 pm • 3KB

Myths were invented to describe amazing people, and I've seen many amazing creatures in my journeys. One time out in Nordhouse, out of nowhere popped out a freshly graduated engineer. He held up a gallon water container that was carrying back to camp, and...

#322: Idea's Edge: Secrets Of Paintings and Songs
Friday • October 30th 2020 • 6:01:26 pm • 2KB

Some secrets are right there, in the sand, they lay bare. For a few days, I, manned that blaze. I lit a fire so great, that it moved me, to create. I didn't have much in my tent, in my wallet, I didn't have a singe cent. I lived in a castle, built by a...

#321: Playing With Computers
Thursday • October 29th 2020 • 6:04:43 pm • 5KB

Invent everything, we are all extremely smart. We can learn anything, so as long as we don't skip any steps along the way. And so as long, as all steps are interesting and fun to us. Never force yourself to learn something you don't enjoy, just keep...

#320: On The Vastness Of Heart
Wednesday • October 28th 2020 • 5:10:55 pm • 8KB

Of course, it is not just aging, but is it also more than just learning. Some say "Lean into the discomfort.", others "Don't try go all the way.". It is all about building ourselves, layer by layer. The layers, need not always be on the same subject. You...

#319: To Michiganders That Don't Always Like The Snow
Tuesday • October 27th 2020 • 11:16:47 pm • 645B

If you frown at all the snow, there is something you should know. Put on your mittens, and a hat, and buy a big bottle of suntan lotion right where you're at. But don't drive back home, just turn south on 275, and drive. We're going all the way down, to...

#318: The Century Of The School
Monday • October 26th 2020 • 6:49:20 pm • 2KB

Our cognitive biases, will only keep causing trouble for as long as we are unaware of them. Eventually, new, fully functional educational systems, will help us to Knowledge and Wisdom. As we learn to trust computers, we will learn to stop relying on easily...

#317: Find The Edge Of Your Universe
Sunday • October 25th 2020 • 8:56:24 pm • 748B

You can't finish by simply getting to the end, if you don't start in the beginning. We learn a new language out there, the edge grants us a new vocabulary. A vocabulary, is also an aid for thinking, it helps us navigate better. And the edge is a sacred...

#316: The Evolutionary Biologist
Sunday • October 25th 2020 • 7:40:49 pm • 1KB

Is human evolution speeding up or slowing down? - Laurence Hurst What Happened Before History? Human Origins Four billion years of evolution in six minutes by Prosanta Chakrabarty How Evolution works Myths and misconceptions about evolution - Alex Gendler...

#315: The Great Being
Sunday • October 25th 2020 • 7:40:49 pm • 905B

Bertrand Russell - Message To Future Generations (1959) Ancient Greece Hard Times Hope is The Thing With Feathers Defeat - Kahlil Gibran The Miracle of Man - Robert Ardrey Quote by Robert Ardrey But we were born of risen apes, not fallen angels, and the...

#314: 3,890 Tigers
Saturday • October 24th 2020 • 5:58:51 pm • 3KB

It is not "the secret to happiness", it is that happiness; is the secret. Happiness is the true human superpower. Sure, we can push through anything, and adapt to everything. But, in happiness, our might multiples to no end. And happiness can't be faked,...

#313: Dance, Music, and Programming
Friday • October 23rd 2020 • 11:08:50 pm • 2KB

I know you know, what I am about to say. Yes, it is all connected. You can learn the Melbourne Shuffle nearly instantly, if you start with Alan Walker's Faded. There is a springy sound in between the beat past the intro, that's where you contract your core...