#167: Philosopher Queens, and Philosopher Kings
Tuesday • June 16th 2020 • 10:23:07 pm • 2KB
Your Earthly Lineage begun some four billions years ago, you ancestors weren't human, they couldn't even breathe Oxygen. We gradually adapted to changing conditions, to chemical composition of our Little Lonesome Blue Earth. In a mere Hundred Million years...

#166: The Journey To The Old End Of The I-275 Bicycle Trail
Monday • June 15th 2020 • 10:31:53 pm • 2KB1
Every one in a while I bicycle to the south end, and check if they did any work, and how it went. I always find it old, and full, of bumps thorns and grass, no matter how hard I bicycle, there is never a way to pass. I work up this morning, and said "It is...

#165: You Are The Best But You Also Need Some Rest
Sunday • June 14th 2020 • 11:55:32 pm • 937B
Life shouldn't be about beating your best, just as important as rising, is your day of rest. No matter how important your athletic quest, or how upon your arrival you are going to be blessed. Everyone, needs to get some rest, days will only get longer when...

#164: Life Of Wisdom
Sunday • June 14th 2020 • 10:21:56 pm • 62B1
Song based on the A Life Of Wisdom, For In Wisdom We Grow Poem...

#163: A Life Of Wisdom, For In Wisdom We Grow
Saturday • June 13th 2020 • 11:14:02 pm • 7KB
My Friends, Your youth holds a great power, a power that you can hold on to throughout your entire existence. It is the power of creating a life that you will love, a life that will help you see with great clarity. A Life of Wisdom. But you must be...

#162: Authenticity Helps Us Learn
Saturday • June 13th 2020 • 12:05:02 am • 2KB
Authenticity would be Wonderful on its own, it helps with trust, admiration, knowing, feeling. But, actually, it is far more than that, it reflects Fundamental Principles of The Universe. There is a very big difference, between crossing a real bridge, and...

#161: The Connoisseur
Friday • June 12th 2020 • 11:28:11 pm • 1KB
Paqui One Chip Challenge ft. My Mom Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains the Universe While Eating Spicy Wings PAQUI ONE CHIP CHALLENGE -WORLDS HOTTEST CHIP!!! | Bianca Lotito Ghost Pepper Vs. Asian Mom WE ALMOST DIED?! One Chip Challenge!! ER DOCTOR takes on the...

#160: You Are Divine
Thursday • June 11th 2020 • 10:46:35 pm • 1KB
My Friends, Build Your Mind, Build Your Body. Do not ignore your well being, you require Blue Skies, Seas, Mountains, Oceans, Lakes, and Forests. Do not ignore your Body, it needs care and exercise, and proper diet. Do not merely hope to get a job, make...

#159: The Sleeping Giant
Wednesday • June 10th 2020 • 10:33:12 pm • 443B
We are too good, at working too hard, this is why we must stay on guard. Your mind is more than just a tool, it is a rare and beautiful jewel. Many hope that you will never know, that your generation is the new new hope, for the world to grow. But, if we...

#158: The Adventurer
Wednesday • June 10th 2020 • 10:13:15 pm • 487B
To slowly turn your life, into Art, small, is the best way to start. Small means but tiny discomfort, at first, make your adventures very short. You don't have to go out, all the way, let the sky, mountains, and sea invite you out to play. And the call...

#157: Bees At The Knees
Tuesday • June 9th 2020 • 9:50:18 pm • 737B1
Watch On YouTube I sprayed myself with sunscreen today, grabbed my bicycle, and went on my way. And then, all of a sudden! I thought I was attacked by some angry bees, it turned out to be a mosquito who got me twice, in both knees. To be fair, I wore my...

#156: Growing Up Is Sacred
Monday • June 8th 2020 • 9:19:03 pm • 2KB
No one regrets becoming wise, no adult ever wished to stay a child. All the grownups, embrace the powers they developed. You can see it in the way they Nobly & Calmly carry themselves. The time meant for your growing up, should not be disrupted in any way...

#155: Suit of Armour
Sunday • June 7th 2020 • 9:11:54 pm • 792B
Take all that you are, and forge a suit of armor. Paint, or sculpt, or cosplay, we are always all to human, but we are unique. All your armor decorations, and Your medals of honor, will show you as you are. Keep growing up, keep adding to your story, may...

#154: Questions
Sunday • June 7th 2020 • 8:46:23 pm • 2KB
Where do we come from, and why are we here, are just silly questions. While even silly questions lead to good things, they're not the primary questions we need to answer - like what makes us unique, and what do we love, and where are going to go, and what...

#153: Not Merely Forward, But Up
Sunday • June 7th 2020 • 8:12:34 pm • 3KB
Don't just move forward, you have to move up! Life is too short, You are too Noble, Truth is too Dear. Many give away their Time, some even give away Trust. Sometimes, because they are tired, because they had enough, or had waited long enough. Giving...

#152: Never Knowing You Are To Rise
Saturday • June 6th 2020 • 6:36:10 pm • 940B
It is a pretty dark trick, and it makes life run out all too quick. If all were to be tricked to break the link, that they can't climb on giants to think; And all became mere muscle and bone, humanity would fade in vain, with a deathly moan. We have to...

#151: Don't Let Anybody Push You Around
Saturday • June 6th 2020 • 6:19:10 pm • 2KB
My Friends, liars happen, because it is easiest to live on the low, and never rise, and just hide in the status quo. That's why we often run into a trouble maker, it takes no effort to be a faker. Leave them, to their own stupid little prison, in their web...

#150: The Trainer
Friday • June 5th 2020 • 11:32:12 pm • 475B
See Companion Chapter in The Warrior Take two steps forward, and one step back, Jack. Jogging is an art, and for art you must be smart. For each two days of training, on the third you must pretend it's raining. If you you can't make it rain, always...

#149: The Trainer
Friday • June 5th 2020 • 11:23:50 pm • 1KB
Rocky IV Training Montage Actors Give Advice on Diet & Exercise Study finds dehydration affects our brains Hydration How to Recover After A Marathon How to recover from a Marathon Overtraining Syndrome 11 signs of Overtraining The Signs of Overtraining...

#148: Wise World
Thursday • June 4th 2020 • 8:44:16 pm • 990B
Don't take shortcuts, all shortcuts end abruptly. You can't pretend, what you pretend, can't ever become real. A life without Authenticity, will forever feel like chaos. You have no choice, but to Rise, to Emerge, in Majestic Authenticity. To build and...

#147: Be Good To Your Elder Self
Wednesday • June 3rd 2020 • 11:07:48 pm • 2KB
Your light must be a true reflection of Yourself, so that You may be truly seen and understood. Do not hide, emulate, simulate, pretend, or serve; that only disrupts Your light and path. You are already special enough, You are a Child of The Universe. You...

#146: Youniverse Entropie
Tuesday • June 2nd 2020 • 7:00:01 pm • 2KB
We have an aversion to being trapped, because of an innate sense of distance that we must travel. The distance begins the moment we gain self-awareness, the end, does not matter - only the distance does. You are in charge of the direction of your journey,...

#145: Your Superpowers
Monday • June 1st 2020 • 9:51:09 pm • 1KB
Your superpowers are not rooted in your wishes, as only very few wishes come true. Universe has already established its rule and order, we are latecomers to the Symphony Orchestra. Instead, seek your superpowers in what you already own, in the things that...

#144: Do Not Follow, My Friends
Sunday • May 31st 2020 • 10:31:13 pm • 6KB1
Your Lifeline - the cumulative choices you made that affected your entire life, must be precisely aligned to match who you are, so that you may learn. This is not an easy thing, but there can be no other. We live in a world under constant erosion from...